Thursday 4 August 2011

Day 4 of Ramadan

Day 4

A very, very dreary day in London today which is a stark contrast to what it was like yesterday!  It’s really annoying because you have to be very conscious of accidentally ingesting rain water.  I was discussing with a colleague, now that we are in the rhythm of fasting everyday, that when it comes to Eid it will be weird to wake up to have breakfast again – at a social hour anyway, rather than at 2.30am! 

I had to go to work again and I a really settling in well now.  I am somewhat of a hero at work already as I look awesome speaking in Arabic with all the Arab customers and I even (behind the scenes) help set up a meeting with a man from Saudi Arabia who was very interested in getting this franchise out to the Middle East. 

The one criticism I have about work now is that I am only getting night shifts.  It is just so draining, especially since I cannot use public transport to get back home as I finish too late.  I also asked for two day shifts at the weekend so that I can have a little downtime but I have been given all nightshifts only.  There is no real incentive to work nightshifts either unless it is a Monday or a Thursday where you get a shitload of free stuff.  I have had a few obnoxious dickheads come in as well – most of the European who just talk over me when I am explaining to them how it all works.  I just feel like saying:

Fine, FUCK OFF!  If you fuck this up it’s nothing to do with me.  Cock!”

But, I don’t. 

I also had some American surfer douchebag who dresses from head to toe in Abercrombie and Fitch whom I just wanted to kick six shades of shit out of. 

He asked me if this was similar to something they have in the US and I said I didn’t know as it was not my business and explained I only work there. 

He responds with,

What are you Scottish?”

No.  I lived there for 15 years.

In a pathetic attempt at a Scottish accent -  

Ah luved there fur 15 yeeeeeers.”

Was that supposed to be a Scottish accent?


I think you might have a law suit in your hands.  This is too similar to a place in the US.

Would like some biscuits with that?
No, thanks.
I love how they don’t get sarcasm. 

I went to the gym once again yesterday and it was really good.  I am glad I am getting hard gym sessions in during Ramadan.  It takes a whole new level of fitness though. 

I think I am in full swing of Ramadan now.  I am getting used to it now and just getting on with it. 

Much love,

Jackson L.

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