Monday 15 August 2011

Day 15 of Ramadan

It has all finally hit me.  For the first time I think in my life it has all come into perspective about what Ramadan really means.  I mean, I always knew what it meant and it was more than just not eating for a whole day except a short 6 hour window (most of which you are probably asleep for).  I always knew it was also a time to reflect and try to make yourself a more pious individual and take time to appreciate your faith and also appreciate and be thankful for everything God has provided you with, because we do have a truly wonderful life where we do take much for granted.

It all came to perspective when someone asked me the meaning behind Ramadan at the weekend.  I explained pretty much the above and then it was them who actually pointed out to me, in a very simple yet eloquent manner, that we have the freedom to get a glass of clean water whenever we want.  When we are forbidden from it, during our hours of fast, we begin to appreciate a simple glass of water so much more.

There are many millions of impoverished people who have no access to water or clean water for that matter and have to make the sacrifice of drinking dirty water which can harbour water-borne diseases potentially leading to death.  We really do not appreciate the small things.

This person, with wisdom beyond his years, thinks that the concept of Ramadan is a great one - and despite his strong atheist beliefs he surprised me further by saying that he thinks everyone should experience something similar to Ramadan as he believes it will help better humanity.  I agreed.  Although a month may be a little too much.

I guess I always knew all of this in my subconscious mind but I never really broke it down in such lucid terms.

Much love,

Jackson L.

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