Monday 4 April 2011

I used to be naked....

I love clothes.  I used to be a real grouch when it came to clothes as I would feel that if I could wear it and it showed off my arms and chest I would just settle for that.  I thought I was a real man’s man for not giving a shit.  It was strange because all those around me; Brian Fox, my older brother, Sam and my sister, Viviane were all very fashion conscious….or at least a copious amount more so than I was.  I just didn’t understand how they could bother keeping up with all the changes and whatnot.  I felt so out of touch that I did not even wear a pair of jeans for a decade! What chance did I have?

I first began to think about dress sense after my 21st birthday….about 3 years later than everybody else it would seem.  I have now become a total whore for clothes.  I want everything.  I constantly find new things I want to buy and wear.  I have even seen clothes for females and thought –

I would SO wear that.

I shop everywhere now as well.  From Primark (best for accessories like gloves, hates and sometimes plain T-Shirts) for very cheap to Uni Qlo – a Japanese clothing outlet (Japanese, so you know everything in there is just heroic), White Stuff (Japanese also), and many more well known high street shops.  Camden town is just the best place for sweet swag.  Gems there are plentiful but, you really have to search, which I do not mind doing because Camden has great ambiance, character and authenticity.  I love it there.

I also find it really easy to look up stuff online.  I have shopped from –
Vintage Whistles has excellent service.  I had bought a hand woven Harris Tweed jacket which was a little too big around the abdominal section and it was returned – no fuss and replaced.  It is free special delivery and I highly rate the direction it is going as it is all 100% vintage.  It is well worth checking out. 

Beyond Retro 3 stores in the London area and their website is the best way to see what they have in stock.  There are a lot of fantastic T-Shirts at low prices as well as accessories, such as; belts, hats and bags and many more things like jackets, trousers, jeans. 

I had to mention Rokit Clothes.  They are based in Camden and it was there that I bought my first 2 pairs of jeans – a stonewash pair of Levi’s 501 and a limited edition pair of Levi’s as well.  Both came up to only £45 and I am glad to be wearing jeans again!  They too have a great selection of clothes available however, Beyond Retro seem to have more variety. 
I am trying to adopt a more chic, vintage style image.  I know it may sound stupid but I am trying to do it in a more subtly edgier way rather than totally fanatical.  I like to think that ‘looking cool’ and ‘looking like a total dick and a douche’ comes hand in hand.  Please see below –

As you can see, if you were in the middle of looking cool you would be at the furthest point away from looking like a dick and a douche.  This is the kind of person that you walk pat in the street and think to yourself –

I do not know you, but I immediately think you are a knob!

Being in the middle of looking cool is the most sought after and everyone should yearn to be a part of that elusive click.  Some people try to be too edgy and start a fashion movement that, unbeknownst to them, they teeter in from the ‘looking cool’ section to slap bang in the middle of ‘looking like a total dick and a douche’.  It is a fine line.  It is also science.  I have a semi-circle.

I like to be edgy and different.  However, being those things and not coming across as a total asshole is very difficult.  I like it when people are edgy, like Kanye West.  His fashion sense is incredible.  If I had half of his wardrobe I would be very happy.  I think anyone would be.  He has the perfect balance of edgy and cool.  People like art students who try too hard not to conform and be so outrageously ‘out there’ that they all end up in the ‘looking like a total dick and a douche’ bracket and we all know they all look the same.  I just laugh.  I believe in their idea of their fashion should be a statement about themselves, which it should be about everybody.  It emphasises individuality but, it is as if their fashion sense is impalpable. 

I also think Gizzi Erskine is overrated. 

Much love,

Jackson L. 


  1. I think your underrated. I am gonna go swag mental when we hit the smoke.

  2. I am very well underrated. It is something I have come to accept...people will always take shit over diamond encrusted plat. Except you.

    I always seem to need new clothes. Its annoying.

    Much love,

    Jackson L.
