Tuesday 12 April 2011

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I am one of those people who will give credit where credit is due.  Praise is something which can be delivered in several ways – articulating your admiration, showing your admiration (actions speak louder than words) and simply, just looking.  There is something which, I feel, is an immensely mammoth compliment when someone just stares at you.  I used to think, like everyone else, that it was just plain rude.  But, for a positive or negative reason someone is taking time out of their lives to stare at you.  I find it rather contradictory that if you were to stare at a sweet car driving past you and your jaw drops – that seems ok but, if you saw a truly beautiful girl whose true self is not hidden behind a thick layer of make up, well dressed and not so run of the mill – i.e. something annoying like wear Ugg boots.  A rare site indeed. 

I seem to get stared at most when I am on the underground.  You can only read the adverts only so many times, I guess!  I look back and smile.  When I look I try to be subtle but I know for a fact that I am just not discreet…but, I see nothing sleezy about it.  It is a flattering remark.  People usually try to look their best when they walk out of the door and I am only taking time to appreciate your efforts.  Deal with it.  It’s not like I am assaulting you!

I do not think it is rude. 

Much love,

Jackson L.

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