Tuesday 3 May 2011

Osama Bin Laden is dead - 02/05/11

Well then America is lying in the midst of their hangover and vomit after “partying hard” due to their celebrations following the finding and assassination of Osama Bin Laden during a 40 minute raid in a remote compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan on the 2nd of May. 

Before 11/09/2001 - or the event known as 9/11 to the general populous – Osama Bin Laden, to many, was nothing more than just a very rich man who funded terrorist organisations to carry out atrocities.  He was known for finding the terrorist organisation known as ‘Al Qaeda’ who are notorious for causing chaos and sending destructive terror ripples to rip through cities.  Chaos, devastation and desolation ensues. 

He was on the FBI’s ‘Most Wanted List’ for attacks on US embassies in major East African cities such as; Nairobi, Kenya and Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.  It would seem like overnight Osama Bin Laden became a very well known household name.  The tragic events of 9/11 claimed the lives of many people from all different types of race, religion, creed and culture.  I’m sure I need not remind anyone of the actions that took place but it involved the collisions of jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre towers in New York City.  Well over 3000 civilians died that day – including the brave firefighters and police men and women of New York - and numerous died several months later died due to adverse side effects like lymphoma.  The fires left in the debris of the attacks raged on for more than 100 days after the attacks. 

I would now like to take the opportunity to say I am glad the fucker is gone.  Bin Laden has done nothing but killed many innocent men, women and children in the name of Islam consequently inciting racial hatred towards Muslims.  He was a disgusting human being with a powerful ability to convince himself that he was a just mercenary.  To end the life of one innocent individual is a grave catastrophe for it is best to let 1000 guilty men live than to let 1 innocent man die. 

The faith which I follow was constantly made to look evil due to that complete and utter cunt.  Islamophobia became a fabric worn by many and I feel it was due to people’s lack of understanding of my religion which was very negatively portrayed by the media as, in my opinion; they seemed to believe Bin Laden’s every word about my religion.  As if we would have that kind of barbaric knob to be an ambassador for a religion of over a billion people.  Not to say other religions are not right, as I do not believe in a ‘wrong’ religion, I believe whatever makes you a good person, (A very good Catholic friend of mine asked me if I would be offended if he would bless himself in my house.  My response was we implore that kind of thing.)  But, is it really possible for 1 billion people to be as sick and twisted as Bin Laden?  Come on!

Now, having said that, and I must iterate I am not a conspiracy theorist, I must raise a few questions –

  1. The first question I asked was “Why was he buried at sea?” A US spokesman came out and indicated the US officials’ interest to respect the Islamic ideal by being buried in 24 hours (first I have heard of it….) and their desire was to fulfill the belief of the dead man.  So, why contradict yourselves by burying a Muslim at sea?  The man had indeed been in hiding for the best part of the last decade, I am sure some sort of secret location would not be too stretching for government or military personnel?  It just seems a little too convenient. 
  2. America is now turning to Pakistan to ask why their military intelligence did not know of Bin Laden’s whereabouts.  For people like Bin Laden, disappearing was easy.  Though, the worrying thing is this has reignited and catalysed nervous tension on an already abysmal relationship.  Reminds me of the “We gotta go into Pakistan…” speech Obama gave.  I wonder if out of nowhere a conflict will arise?
  3. Speaking of Obama, last week he was a total US President villain.  His ratings were at an all-time low but now the first black President will be immortilised for catching the biggest global threat.  Convenient?  In 40 minutes he is now one of the greatest Presidents to have ever dwelled the White House. 
  4. A former Pakistani Prime Minister known as Benazir Bhutto had said that Bin Laden had been hiding in Pakistan however, he had died in 2007.  She was assassinated shortly after that interview.  I am not saying I believe what she was saying but, it may explain why there was such need to ‘bury the body in 24 hours’??! Who knows? 
  5. Is it not a little bit insulting to the families of the victims of 9/11 to not see such a tyrannical monster brought to trial? Some may not have wanted it but others probably would have. 

As per usual, there is something not quite right about the way our ‘oh so wise’ governments deal with major issues such as these (please see the Libya conflict to further endorse my ramblings – evidence).  Nonetheless the vast majorities blindly follow their governments and always seem to believe that they are ‘making the best decisions’. Yeah, recession, mate!  Wars.  Not using military strength when needed to…..to…um…..I dunno….OVER THROW GADAFFI?!  It doesn’t take a genius.  There’s your ‘best decisions’.  There are very few who question their government’s decisions.  These are the people who do not fear their governments.  Governments should fear their people. 

As aforementioned, I am not some crazy conspiracy theorists and if anyone has any semblance of genuine, sensible answers to these questions please do let me know them.  Also, I can understand people’s elation or relief that we are now officially not living in a world of a colossal (prick) global threat, hey, I am one of the happiest as I feel he was a key player in making Muslims look like the most backwards, barbaric, grotesque people to have lived, however, celebrating it to the extent in which people in the US have is – like everything American – a little extreme.  We were even discussing this in the office today and we have all concluded that it is only throwing fuel in a waning fire.  It will reignite and it will be aggressive.  I fear an imminent retaliation.   

Al Qaeda have been delivered a major blow.  They are deeply wounded.  A wounded animal is an animal which is most dangerous. 

Much love,

Jackson L. 

1 comment:

  1. Ok, influx of emails....Can I just say that this is a "just saying" situation! GOD!!!

    Much love,

    Jackson L.
