Tuesday 1 March 2011

Christopher Nolan, you blow my mind.

Christopher Nolan, the director of many epic films such as; The Prestige, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and of course writer as well as director as the famous four Oscar winning Inception has blown my mind with his seamless ability to bring epic fantasy and action movies with deep meaning to life.  I, a long with virtually everyone with any interest in cinema, eagerly await his next film – The Dark Knight Rises (out in 2012). 

Although his films are out of this world genius, it was not his films that totally blew my mind this time around.  I was watching Alan Carr: Chatty Man the other day, one of his guests was Tom Hardy.  An actor who starred in Inception as, Eames also, he acted as Charles Bronson, who is one of Britain’s most notorious prisoners, in the critically acclaimed Bronson.  He is an actor which I rate highly.  Anyway, he and Alan Carr began discussing Christopher Nolan’s personality traits and I learned that he has neither a telephone, nor a mobile phone nor an email address!

How incredibly awesome is that?! I don’t know anybody that doesn’t have a mobile phone or an email address! Even 10 year olds have phones and a Facebook and email addresses etc.  In today’s world it is unheard of not to have any of these commodities.  He chooses not to have them and I thought to myself “That is fucking awesome!”  Imagine not having the constant hassle of being obligated to respond to people who text you or call you because you know that next time you see them they will be all “Hey! I tried calling you and you didn’t pick up!?”  And you’re sat there thinking “Yeah…take a fuckin’ hint, mate!”

Don’t get me wrong, I use my phone for everything; texts, calls, email, facebook and twitter.  I am a seriously well equipped to keep in touch with the world! But, depite this, there are people who get in touch with me that I will always respond to and there are others that I just think “Why did I ever give you my number?” I just think it must be pretty sweet to not have to worry about charge on the mobile phone to keep in touch with anyone.  Imagine if you will, not having a mobile phone for a week?  Some people would lose their minds.  But, we do take all these things for granted.  When you consider the internet, I have lived in a world where the internet did not exist (I am so very glad it does exist) and we survived just fine but,  for example, a few weeks ago in my office, the internet was knocked out due to workmen cutting the wires and everyone went ape shit!!! Truth be told, I was one of those people.  I don’t think I can be without my phone or internet for more than a day.  Even when I am on holiday, I can’t help but check up on the latest sports news, world affairs, emails, what people are up to on Twitter and Facebook.  There is nothing wrong with that.  However, imagine internet did not exist tomorrow.  Despite it’s young 15-20 or so year age, it has had such a massive impact on the way communicate, access information, watch a live streaming of events and even shop, there would be chaos without it!  Although it is unlikely the internet will not just disappear one day, we really do take it for granted. 

It is a profound statement for an individual to make to not have the most forms of communication in the so called technical age.  For this reason, Mr Christopher Nolan, you have blown my mind! 

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