Monday 10 January 2011


Well then….I believe, unfortunately that the new series of ‘Glee’ is upon us here in the UK and I can’t be more pissed about it even if I tried! It is literally thee worst show ever.

From what I understand, it is a show about a group of misfits in a high school in the US of A. The very fact that they are trying to sell these individuals as misfits in the show is just plain dumb! They are not misfits they are actually normal people. They are not ugly, socially inept, nerdy, geeky etc. Instead they are portraying that the gay community, girls who do not put out…i.e. sluts, and big black girls and the disabled are misfits. Last time I checked these were still normal people! The fact that they are conveying that these people are just abnormal is retarded. I have a few friends who befall all these categories and they are some of the coolest, most popular people I know. Retards!

So our band of merry misfits form a ‘Glee club’ where they cover many songs in A cappella form and these songs include the likes of Journey – Don’t stop believing, Neil Diamond's - Sweet Caroline.  So to add insult to injury, not only do they have a shitty TV programme that all these total wankers who call themselves ‘Gleeks’ (which by the way spells 'CUNTS' when you read it backwards) watch, they cover songs, not make up songs of their own and perform them, but cover songs that are good, timeless pieces that just get ruined and they release it into the charts. How inconceivably torrid is that?!

I don’t think people realise how shit this show actually is. I would like to meet the creators of Glee and show them what they are doing to normal, good, upstanding citizens of this fine world we can see many people trying to emulate the bullshit they see on TV on youtube. I would like to show them how stupid they are making people look and then I would like to smack them. Smack them square in the eye. And maybe kick them right in the bollocks….which is what their show is. Bollocks.

Much love,

Jackson L.

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