Tuesday 11 October 2011

Fuck you TfL!!!

Today on the train we were majorly delayed.  The Central line – connecting me to the rest of London – had hideous delays on it due to defective trains on it.  This added a further half hour to my journey time and I was not too pleased about that.  Furthermore, I was charged twice for the same journey as I had to exit one station and walk to another to get to connecting trains to finally arrive to my final destination. 

I sent the TfL (Transport for London) a piece of my mind demanding a refund as I thought this was fair.  I will update you on their response. 

Anyway, on the crammed train, everyone was very irritable.  As I got on I was trying to consider others by looking for space further into the carriage.  I found a small quadrant of about 10cm by 10cm to stand in (considering my upper body size it is a tight squeeze) and I politely asked the small girl wearing hijab to let me past.  Her very rude response was:

And stand where?!

I pointed at the gaping space and rather undiplomatically snorted:


To which she simply responded with:


At this point another man joined in the fray and said

Just move your arm and let the man through to stand there.  It means more people can get on.

To which she stupidly responded with

No!  Mind ya business!!  I don’t see you getting up off your seat for me.  Mind ya business!!

Well, what could I say or do at this point?  Everyone was looking at this total dick needlessly making a scene and I said to the man:

Thank you for seeing sense.  Obviously some people are not very sensible!

He chuckled.  Prompting the girl to get all in my face and say:

Are you trying to say something?!

Yes.  You are a sad, pathetic, GCSE failing little child who is just being difficult for the sake of being difficult.  You think you are standing your ground for something worthwhile but in actuality you are not.  I think I can safely say everyone of this train thinks you are a total douchebag.

Some people snigger and I begin to read my metro.  She began to say some stupid stuff like:

How dare you!  You don’t know me!!” 

To which I laughed as about four people told her to shut up.  It was nice to have others on my side.  During the train journey she kept drawing my attention with scolding looks.  I just smiled back at her. 

Eventually we arrive at a stop where a few people got off.  She sat herself down on an empty seat and I was inopportune enough to have to stand in the space I wanted which was directly in front of her. 

The train began moving and it was quite bumpy.  Someone knocked into me (on a crowded train might I remind you) and this imbecile stated:

I told you not to stand there!

And in a heartbeat I said:

For God’s sake!  No one asked for your fucking opinion!!

The look of shock on her face was even better than the look of adulation on the face of the man who tried to intervene earlier.  She remained quiet for the remainder of the journey.  Barely a peep.  She did not even look up at me. 

A few stops later, as she was getting off, I thought it would be a good idea for me to say “Salaam alaekum” in the hope that she realises that she is a Muslim girl who is supposed to uphold our beliefs and this includes not looking for confrontation at any given opportunity. 

I sat down next to the man who mediated previously.  He seemed to have a few things to say about the whole affair to which I simply said:

It did not need to happen.  She was just being needlessly unreasonable and I really did not want to have to get aggressive towards a person who follows in my faith.


Anyhow, I was late for my appointments at university today and I am hating the TfL.  It is almost as bad as the public service at home.  I can’t believe that the prices for trains are on the rise and this is what we have to deal with.  I do not expect all public transport services in the UK to be 100% efficient all the time because I know shit happens but, for the amount that we have to pay, it should be a hell of a lot better! 

Much love,

Jackson L. 

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