Tuesday 5 July 2011

The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has been re-released on the Nintendo 3DS.  It has been advertised on TV and it really takes me back.  The advert itself shows many iconic scenes in the game and it also reminds you of the great soundtrack and the satisfying noises that you hear as a motif for accomplishing something within a level.  I remember this game so very vividly. 

The latest advert I have seen is with Robin Williams discussing his journey through the game and how he thoroughly enjoyed his experience of – in my opinion – the greatest game ever made.  He was so infatuated by the Zelda franchise that he has even named his daughter Zelda.  The man has only soared in my estimation of him.  A true hero to the Nintendo charter. 

This advert prompted a discussion between myself and Vivian as she thought it was “totally gay” of him to do such a thing and she feels that Zelda is a shit game.  Well, what could I say to that?!  It was truly shocking to hear someone lash out in such an aggressive manner.  It was completely unprovoked.  Vivian is a monster. 

I explained that she just did not understand the phenomenon that is Zelda and the fact that The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is thee most critically acclaimed game in the history of gaming.  It is hailed as one of the best games of all time and rightly so.  It was just a spectacular journey and a major feat in gaming.  The fact that people are completely obsessed with this game is perfectly understandable. 

I remember when I first placed the cartridge of the game into my N64.  I was so eager to start the game I did not even fill in my name, it was just a series of As so Navi – the annoying but very necessary navigator fairy – would call me AAAAAAA.  From the moment I began the game, through all the puzzles, the cut scenes, all the levels, through childhood, adulthood, defeating all the bosses, the side quests and everything else that was packed into this small, but life changing cartridge, I thought this was simply the greatest gaming experience ever.  The depth of all the characters like; the hero Link, the evil Ganadorf, Princess Zelda, Sheik, even the Deku Tree!  The storyline would put most novels to shame and the soundtrack is a masterpiece. 

When I finished the game and placed the controller down and watched the cut-scene for the end of the game when you finally faced up to and defeated Ganondorf and then Ganon, I became very emotional.  I could not believe that my journey had come to an end.  But what a tremendous end it was! 

I have yet to experience a game like this.  It was incredible.  It is the greatest game ever made.  It is a stunning success.  Even System of a Down wrote a song about it.  It's THAT good!

Much love,

Jackson L. 

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