Wednesday 29 June 2011

12 Pillars

I have recently finished reading a very short, rather predictable novel written by Jim Rohn called the 12 Pillars.  I was intrigued by the title and therefore read it and I also hate not having anything to doze off to when I go to bed. 

I gathered that the author was not a very well accomplished author of novels, more an accomplished author of journal articles and also an accomplished, successful individual and a great motivational speaker. 

These 12 pillars of Success – as they are known – were the only thing about this story that resonated with me.  I kind of wish the book was just the list of these pillars with a brief explanation.  It was like watching a porno that had a disastrously shit storyline.  I think he was trying to get across these fundamental cornerstones of success in a way everyone can engage but, still, it was shit. 

Anyway, to save you reading the book, I will give the list – for free I might add – without needing to subject yourself to the catastrophic book.  It was offensive and I must be honest, I felt sick and cheated when I finished reading it. 


  1. Personal development - ‘yourself’ is the most critical variable of your happiness, success and achieving.  In order to do this one must strive to be ever changing.  You cannot control people or events which may happen but, you can control your response to them.  Keeping and open mind will allow you to open up your creative – leave your comfort zone and venture into the wilderness of your intuition.  There is where you will make the greatest leaps. 
  2. Health – I have always believed health to be multi dimensional.  Apparently, I am not alone and other, like Jim Rohn shares in this opinion.  I believe health is more than just how one may appear in a T-shirt or a bikini.  It is spiritual, mental as well as physical.  The umbrella of spirituality is vast and it can be reflected in many images.  Personally I rely on my faith for my spirituality however; there are those who may have no strong belief in religion and God.  Meditation is a powerful tool which can be used to strengthen spirituality.  For me, prayer is my meditation but many use it to find there inner peace and focus.  The mental aspect is constantly challenging yourself to understand.  Reading books, solving puzzles, learning new things, constantly soaking things up in the sponge that is your brain.  Ever noticed how the vast majority of scholars tend to be older individuals?  Research has shown those of whom have a rich history of academia, high IQ or lust for reading and creativity have a longer life expectancy.  In addition, physical fitness always helps keep a healthy heart and you can’t complain about looking good in a tight T.
  3. Building strong relationships – the power of relationships is so important in everyday life.  Whether a mere acquaintance or a best friend, business partner, sibling or parent, you can always benefit from these relationships. It allows for you to give and receive – “Think once before you give, twice before you receive and a thousand times before you ask for something” – Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach.  Sharing in interested and appreciating time together is what forms strong bonds of trust, loyalty and sincerity.  If anything else, it is always good to have someone to talk to and the feeling of “no matter how bad it gets, at least I can always go back to these guys…”
  4. Goal setting – a simple, yet effective tool in ensuring you achieve.  It is so easy to dream big but, life happens causing these dreams to get smaller and smaller until eventually you live a life of regret thinking “what could have been” in stead of “I tried and it wasn’t for me”.  Achieving big dreams and ambitions does not happen over night.  You need to set small goals to achieve the big targets; after all, it is the baby steps that get you to big places. 
  5. Time management – this applies for short term and long term.  Not that I think deep into the future anymore, as I like to focus on my present, there is nothing wrong with planning for tomorrow.  Planning to have something accomplished by a certain point in time is a great way to help you set your goals.  Manage your time well and you can achieve your big dreams sooner rather than later. 
  6. Surround yourself with good people – it may sound like an obvious one.  Influence is an amazing thing.  Often, one does not even realize they are being influenced.  Surround yourself with good people to be influenced well.  Surround yourself with people who will challenge your thought process and pose questions which cause you to reflect.  Immerse yourself with people who you will enjoy the company of and who also strive to be successful.  Surround yourself with positive people. 
  7. Be an everyday learner – This one is simple.  Don’t be that old dog that won’t learn new tricks.  Things are ever changing – for example, we are living in the technological era, only 20 or so years ago the internet was not commonplace.  Now, it has changed everything in our modern day.  Technology is one of many things that we must learn to keep up with to make life simpler.  Although, being too reliant on technology may be a weakness. 
  8. Influence others – Be the person others try to be like.  Show your dedication and commitment to certain things previously mentioned on this list.  I often find the good hearted people are the people that most look up to.  Justify your stance and point of view well in discussions which can help you influence others.  Never enforce your own opinion. 
  9. Financial planning – Successful people tend to invest what they have and then spend what is left rather than the other way around.  It’s not the amount of money you have but what you plan to do with it that counts and this is both interesting and important.  Jim suggests something called the 70,10,10,10 rule. For every £1 that comes into your hand that is earned or gifted to you, only spend 70 pence of that. Then spend 10 pence for charity, 10 pence to invest in your own business or savings and 10 pence that you let someone else use to make money off it i.e stocks, shares, investments into other businesses that you are not involved with.  Over time this will guarantee financial independence for anyone.  Don't forget the reason to make a living is to make a fortune. Have an "investment account" not a "savings account" because if you start picturing yourself making money from what you put aside you might actually do it. 
  10. Communicate – Breakdown in communications can lead to breakdown in your strong relationships.  Things which are lost in translation or not mentioned at all are some of the most common reasons for failed marriages.  Always maintain a level of understanding and find common ground by communicating.  Also, always be willing to look for that common ground as compromise is important in healthy relationships. 
  11. Leadership – The world can always do with another leader.  No one is asking you to run a country!  Leadership can come in many forms and it simply starts by you being the master of your fate.  You take lead of your own life through the problems, hardships, and joyous occasions.  Build into being the person people look to for something extraordinary.  Always lead by example. 
  12. Leaving a Legacy – It will be a wonderful thing to be remembered when you are gone by everyone but to be remembered AND be emulated would be only beautifully poetic.  Leaving a legacy should be everybody’s goal. 

Much love,

Jackson L.

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