Wednesday 8 December 2010


I remember the scepticism I felt when I was first told to just join Facebook.  I had already had a 'Bebo‘ page.  I thought this was terrible and about a year or so I got rid of it.  I then joined Facebook to shut some people up and in perfect honesty I must say I was very surprised, after getting used to properly using it, at how good it was.  It was full on global and I must say I found people on Facebook that I had not spoken to in over a decade!  It has gone from strength to strength having been only an internet phenomenon to mobile phone apps to becoming a household name.  Even my parents are on it.  It has, for many people, become their main source of communication; ahead of emails, texting, instant messaging (chat) and even phoning. 

This service allows you to plan and organise dates for your calendar, birthday reminders, communicate, play games, upload photos, keep updated on what your friends are up to as well as allow you to let people know 'what's on your mind'.  It is a massive commodity now.  Some people, really sad people, but people nonetheless have withdrawl symptoms due to lack of Facebook in their lives.  It truly has become one of the biggest things on the internet as for many, this is the first port of call when they log into the internet and even I am guilty of being on Facebook on my phone when I am not supposed to be. 

Although Facebook has been used for many good things like; rekindling lost friendships, keeping in close comms with close friends and even getting Rage Against the Machine to oust X-Factor to UK no. 1 last Christmas, it has recently become such a drag.  What with the whole changing your profile picture to a cartoon character:

This was a plan to try and help allure attention to child abuse and it was to act as a reminder that it does still happen everywhere.   I am all for driving attention to worthwhile causes which this most definitely was.  But, I'm sorry but if you were to ask some children who are/were abused - they would probably say something along the lines of "What the hell was this supposed to achieve?!"  I think it is such a dumbass thing to have done! If people were truly concerned about the well being of children they would have done something a little more proactive like....I dunno FUCKING GIVE TO NSPCC CHARITY!!!  The really funny thing was that this was apparently an unofficial movement and it had no affiliation to the NSPCC at all.  A rumour quickly spread that it was linked to a paedophile ring, yet people still kept their toon profile pictures up.  Their reasoning was 'It does not actually harm anybody.'

I would just like to express my opinion here - I believe that the vast majority of those people involved in this movement did not actually give a shit about whether children get abused or not.  They only got sucked into the so called 'movement' because everyone is painfully conformist and in my humble opinion a total douche.  The main slogan I saw was 'Plaster facebook with your childhood memories'.  FUCK.  OFF.   This had no effect on lessening a child's chances of being abused.  I would very much like to remind you that it truly does happen - even here in the UK.  It is very much a real thing.  Do the right thing.  Give to charity and show REAL support (here) like I do and continue to do so. 

Now there is an even more annoying affair occurring on Facebook.

This so called 'Numbers game'.  What this entails is a friend would private message you with a number and then on you status update you recite the number and then give a description of what you feel towards your friend.   How pitifully insecure about your own friendship must you be to want to know what someone feels about you through the medium of Facebook with such a shit method too?!  A number so that it is anonymous - yet those who like what they read will 'like' it so it is only too obvious.  Some people are SO fucking thick!

There have been many other negative stories in the media surrounding Facebook due to people's inherent need to be racist, threaten to take lives and many other such acts of violence. 

Of course they have also made a film 'Social Network', seriously?  How much more do they actually think they are going to milk from us?  It is totally deplorable that people are so feeble minded. 

For me, Facebook is unfortunately a great way to keep in touch with family who live abroad, friends who live far away and to keep updated on what my nearest and dearest are up to.  However, these stupid games and constant emails you get referring to pointless comments you receive based on the aforementioned things. 

Please Facebook, stop being shit. 

Much love,

Jackson L.

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