Tuesday 23 November 2010


On any given day I use the tube to get from A to B….and other letters in the alphabet.  Due to my lengthy commutes I usually have my headphones in listening to some music while reading the Metro  or one or the other.  Today, my Ipod battery had decided to die and also, I had read most of the articles I wanted to in the Metro.  So I had to sit trying hard to avoid eye contact with other passengers.  I’m sure I have mentioned before, there is only a certain number of times you can read the same advertisements. 

Thankfully, a lady stepped on with her brother and her child.  Their brief entrance into my life was to be a rather week highlighting moment as my whole week has already been made thanks to the happening which later occurred.  And it’s Monday!  There were no seats near the child’s mother.  So…

MOTHER: Go and sit next to your uncle.
CHILD: I don’t want to!!
MOTHER: Why not?
CHILD: I don’t like him!!!

Child then wails with tears while the rest of the carriage is bursting with laughter.   This may have been the funniest thing I had seen in a long time.  The thing that makes it so funny, for me, is the fact that the child was so brutally honest.  Kids don’t give a shit.  They say it like it is and I wish there were more adults that are like that.  Somewhere along the way we, as adults, become more precedent and it is so dull, mundane and a total cop-out.  Truth be told, I am guilty of it.  There have been countless times when I have been asked “Do I look fat in this?” and I’m thinking yes but say “No, not really.”  I guess I just don’t want to hurt people’s feelings but, seriously, truth hurts.  Usually I am brutally honest myself.  Although I try not to hurt people’s feelings; I do still tell the truth most of the time when it comes to appearance, actions and whatever else. 

I salute kids and LOVE their innocence.  The fact that they just say it as they see it is one of the greatest gifts of youth which is quickly taken from them with age.  Furthermore, as I saw with the child on the tube, when children cry I do feel heartbreak but when it is over something so silly and trivial, it is just hilarious.  The faces some crying children make as well as the ridiculous sounds?  Possibly some of the funniest things I have ever witnessed. 

How funny is it when kids learn the art of lying?  It teach and teach and teach kids that lying is wrong but when they start to lie about stuff, because they are so painfully bad at it, it is just too comical.  Sometimes you don’t even need to accuse them of anything!  It becomes an ‘it’s so bad its good’ situation.  We teach our kids honesty as it is a very desirable trait and it defines a strong character.  To raise your hands and admit that you have done wrong and that you are mistaken is one of the most courageous things people can do.  But, do we encourage our children to tell little white lies whenever we laugh at their futile attempts to lie?  Please see Richard Pryor’s explanation of kids trying to lie.
Many people say day to day – ‘stop being a child and just grow up!’ or something along those lines.  Many of the same people along with many others overlook the fact that there are times when children are more adult than adults are and actually have the balls to be that truthful.  Children have the edge over adults when it comes to innocence and therefore, do not know what repercussions can arise by always saying it like it is.  Those of us who are adults who are brutally honest about EVERYTHING….well, you are all just a breath of fresh air.

Watching children grown up must be a very heartwarming, fulfilling feeling but one must cherish their younger years as kids.  This is when most of their greatest days will lie in memory forever.  Kids light up the future and will have plenty of time to grow up and be old. 

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” ~Native American Proverb – Here is something to think on. 

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