Thursday 24 November 2011

Soyboobies.....I mean Soynipples......tits!

My dear followers who won’t officially follow me on my page but read all my stuff and tend to email me personally instead of leaving a comment (hint hint), I am so sorry for being so off the radar of late.  I have had SO much on my plate recently but that’s just research stuff and other things which at the moment are a little too personal to divulge.…so fuck off!
Anyway, any of you people enjoy drinking Soy Milk?  Well, men – it contains oestrogen.  Research has shown that men over the age of 30, i.e. when our testosterone production slows down, we are more susceptible to developing tits, losing hair, changes in voice and emotions.  This is because our body is unable to over produce testosterone to eradicate the intake of oestrogen within the Soy Milk. 
This research was based on a recent occurrence involving a Vietnam veteran.  A soldier who had flown attack helicopters and had won medals for valour had taken to drinking Soy Milk as a ‘healthy alternative’.  He developed breasts, penis had shrunk, and facial hair growth had significantly slowed down, loss of body hair and crazy emotional changes.  He was accused of taking oestrogen supplements which he had categorically denied and it was true.   Blood tests showed that he had eight times more oestrogen in his bloodstream than what is normal for males.  After much deliberation, tests and all sorts, his diet was evaluated.  They tested everything he would regularly consume and it was found that Soy Milk had significant levels of oestrogen.  It was further research on male subjects from a cross section of society, different ages, ethnicities and social backgrounds (not sure why your social background would have any affect….but what do I know?).  It turned out that age was the greatest determining factor.  So beware! 
I think Soy Milk tastes like shit.  It ruins everything that normal milk is supposed to complement; tea, cereal etc.   Sucks if you are lactose intolerant but, I think you should really try to phase it out. 
Soy in general is seriously damaging to your health.  Check out this link:
Fuck you soy!

Much love,

Jackson L.

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