More and more my faith in humanity is tested day by day. I find myself getting ever more irate at people’s increasing stupidity, lack of courtesy, lack of decorum and general existence.
Today I went to the post office to pick up a parcel which I had the misfortune of missing due to life getting in the way. Regrettably I was given the opportunity to witness the bullshit humans are capable of. As I was leaving the post office a little old lady on a Zimmer-frame had the door slammed shut in her face. I felt like the worst person alive and it was not even me who slammed the door shut. In shock I told her that I would open the door for her and she was nothing but grateful for my most simple deed. She was a decrepit, feeble lady who could barely walk at snail’s pace and was having trouble balancing on her frame let alone struggle to open a door as well.
As I left the post office – I had decided to walk and enjoy the incredible weather we are having – I began thinking more about the utter shit that people are actually capable of doing without remorse. Around a week ago, I am not sure at what point during the day, it may have been during work, while I was at home when I was on the underground, at some point my car was parked and some total fuckhead who just does not know how to drive hit my car. Said fuckhead scratched the shit out of the front right hand side of it….and drove off. Said fuckhead did NOT leave a note on my windscreen to explain his complete and utter dicketry! What. A. CUNT!
While at work this week, I had to tackle some people who came in from a competitor store to basically scope the place out. You can always spot them a million miles away as they begin asking certain questions. As soon as you explain that you are not at liberty to divulge such information they begin their assault. Their particular angle was, even thought they are far more expensive than our competitive prices, was during our busy spells audibly bark our prices are too high and that you would get more bang for your buck elsewhere.
I responded, even more audibly:
“Can you please not say this in front of our customers? We are actually much more reasonably priced than other stores. Have you no class?!”
Don’t even get me started on the amount of times I have been on public transport only to witness the elderly board a busy train or a pregnant lady get on a crowded bus for only no one to offer their seat to these people.
Honestly, is this what we have come to?!
Manners cost nothing.
I think certain people need to be taught a lesson in a little thing called ETTIQUETTE!!!
Thankfully, I pride myself on my restraint. I am a firm believer in self-control and I like to avoid confrontation as much as I can but I will not avoid it at all costs. Sometimes to confront someone is the only way to get people to understand where you are coming from.
I leave you with an anecdote. A friend of mine parked his car in a parking bay with only a ten pound note and no change to buy a ticket from the machine. He went into a newsagent to break the tenner to get change for the machine. As he bought his ticket and walked back to the car with his ticket in hand, a traffic warden had already written out a ticket and placed it onto his car.
My friend explained that he had to get change as the machines did not take notes to which the traffic warden responds (like a first class asshole would)
“That’s not my problem!”
My friend, without hesitation, punched him in the face. The traffic warden fell to the ground. He picked up the ticket and saw that it was administered 3 minutes AFTER he had purchased his pay and display ticket which means it could have easily been resolved with the city council.
My friend was fined and had to serve hours in community service.
No good can come of violence.
Much love,
Jackson L.