I am beginning to develop feelings of loathing for this new, Jesse J loving Masters student that recently started. We were having yet another conversation, started by no choice of my own as I was and enjoying '
Yes Man' by Danny Wallace as I was awaiting my advisor's arrival in my office. I used to share this office with a fun loving Canadian girl who was just the pinnacle of beauty, attitude and bad assery. Unfortunately she has now left and I now share it with this douche who believes in star signs and all that shit...
Anyway, I was asked what I was reading and I informed her and went on to explain that it was made into a
film starring Jim Carrey as the main protagonist. Without warning to an ending of that conversation I was suddenly asked
Are you on facebook?"
Obviously I was a little taken aback with the sudden change of conversation but made nothing of it as I responded
The look of sheer shock on her face was just the magical look I always look for when they realise that I am one of the very few people without a facebook (through justified choice) and the realisation that I am actually the greatest being in the room...possibly to have ever lived. But, this came with blistering reproach. It was funny because at this point my consultant cardiologist advisor came in at the point where she began saying -
You don't have a facebook?! What the hell?! Can you hear me all the way back in the stone age? Have you heard of the internet?? Everyone has one! EVERYONE!! You are so in the minority! You need to get with the times. You are such a loser!"
This is the kind of narrow minded bullshit reason as to why I left facebook along with all the other reasons which can be seen on an earlier blog 'The Fuck Facebook Campaign'.
My advisor's jaw hit the floor and before he can muster the composure to get over his shock to say something I began a little rant of my own.....
I actually USED to have facebook and I USED to be an avid user of it. I have however lost all interest in it because of needless dicketry such as the one I just experienced there, i.e. expressing opinions when they are not asked for through the medium of the status updates. I also can't stand it when people, probably like yourself, use the status update to update stupid stuff such as 'just home...eating an apple'. I'm sure all your 400 million 'friends' needed to know that, right? Because I am sure they give a shit. Also, I bet you do have more friends on facebook that mathematically possible. In order to be a GOOD friend it would require at least a day to spend with them. there are 365 days in a year....any more than 365 friends and you are just taking the utter piss! Facebook is actually devaluing the true meaning of what friendship is. It is a good source of keep in touch with people, I'll give you that, but then again, I bet you are one of those sad people that spends their life playing these dumb games like Farmville all the time too.
As for saying I am in the minority.....at the very MOST there are around 500 million people in the world with an active facebook account. When you consider the whole world's population which is sitting at about 6.5 BILLION people you will find that, if you are remotely good at maths, 500 million isn't even remotely close to 50%.....even if we take the population of the developed world you still trail by a shit load so, having said that, I think you will find that it is actually YOU that is in the minority. So thank you for your needless babble......
*Awkward pause ensues while my advisor laughs*
Yeah, that did not play out how you expected it to now, did it?"
She apologised. Good stuff.
In other news, it looks like the troubles in Libya may be coming to an end. It is crazy! I went to bed relatively early yesterday and this is when all kicked off apparently. Pro-Gadaffi forces just yielded as rebels took the streets and suburbs of Tripoli. This is great news for the rebels in Libya as it has been months of bloodshed all due to that total shit head who is just drunk with power. I have high hopes for those rebels in Libya and this was great news to hear. These are riots for liberation, basics human rights and freedoms which the people of Libya have been denied for decades now....unlike the riots in London which was basically for a 42" HD ready plasma.
An aerial view of Tripoli.
Tripoli at night.
The city of Tripoli
Revolution - the only solution for the entire nation

Tripoli looks like a beautiful part of North Africa. I would love to go once all the smoke blows over.
On Friday evening I was involved in an evening of stand up comedy. I had a ten minute set to do. I was SO scared but, it was for charity so I ran with it.
Unbelievably I was relatively well received. I briefly mentioned the riots and then moved onto discussing music. This included a Jesse J impression with a lot of crotch grabbing. Defending Rebecca Black as I feel she is needlessly bullied. Let’s face it, she is shit but, there is a lot of shit out there. She is just a kid looking to sing. I even went as bold as saying she was a renegade and then discussed some of her lyrics. I even mentioned Metallica and their crazy fans which came with impressions of James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich.
I then gave a brief history of my family’s movements around the Middle East to the ‘exotic’ UK….I then had a little discussion about Gallic and it all ended with well! I thoroughly enjoyed it and a few people said I did well. It was all for a good cause and we raised a fair bit of cash for the charity. Goody!
The football season is now underway so there is a lot to look forward to and a lot of excitement, drama and debate and wonder ushered in with the beginning of the new season. So far it has been quite good. Arsenal have not started well at all as they have continued their terrible run which saw their season last year end shoddily. Everywhere else it looks pretty normal so far.
Better than football, the Rugby World Cup is now less than 3 weeks away and I’m stoked! There have been a few warm up matches – Wales beat Argentina 28-13 at the weekend and this was followed by two more internationals. France beat Ireland 26-22 but, at one point Ireland were training by 18 points. They gave away a few soft tries but, the French were just electric. Their backs are awesome. Poetry in motion!
Scotland were lucky to beat Italy 23-12 as Italy were playing the more stylish brand of rugby.
Check out this for a sexy
That is just silky smooth.
It is so very Italian.
There are a lot of shitty sports on the old telly box though. I like to think I have a great appreciation for sport as I once made it to the bewildering heights of professional sport before a recurring injury ended my rugby career. I know how hard it is to break into professional sport because of all the training and sacrifices; like early nights, eating the right stuff, committing to it and so much more. But, at the same time, they don’t need to show ridiculously boring stuff like rowing. Rowing?! There is no skill involved in rowing. It is the same biomechanical movement over and over again! It is so mundane! I know a few rowers. There are absolute specimens and it requires a huge level of fitness and strength but it is so, so boring to watch. If you ever watch rowing on TV it gets to the stage, after about 30 seconds, where you just start to hate yourself for being alive.
On a much brighter note, I am getting paid today and I need to buy a lot of needless shit! I need to go to Uni Qlo and drop a stack or two on a whole load of stuff! They have long sleeved tshirts which are so well tailored going for less than a tenner each and in different colours. I love Uni Qlo - it is so fantastically Japanese. I will also be going to various vintage clothing shops because I am a total whore for clothes. In addition to this I will be buying loads of DVDs. I will be looking to get The Wire with Idris Elba. I love Idris Elba and I will watch anything he is in. He is my new favourite black guy ever. I also want to get Frazier....I know it is a bit late in the day to get it but, I love it! I have grown a greater appreciation for Niles. He is one of the greatest characters of anything ever. My good friend T has been telling me to get into The Sopranos for sometime now so I might just get that boxset as well. I think that would do for DVDs for this month but, I have SO many films to get.
I have started to follow other blogs thanks to T. Delusions of Grandeur is a blog kept by one Miss Holly Heart and it is such an entertaining blog to read. Some of the opinions are so refreshing and she is so very eloquent. I look forward to reading more from her. Another great blog I have started to follow is Mr Iain Beeston's Ponderings of a young male. This feel good, heart warming blog is fantastic. It has a lot of great photos in there as well as some very well written blogs on subjects many people care not to appreciate. I do. I look forward to more post from this one too.
Much love,
Jackson L.