Monday, 25 June 2012

Red Hot Chili Peppers

I recently went to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers (RHCP), a band which I love!  They are so summery and awesome to listen to.  Not only do they create sweet, sweet music for a sad, sad world but, they compliment the music well with their excellent lyricism. 

None of this Carly Rae Jepsen bullshit –

Before you came into my life I missed you so bad  That makes no god damn motherfucking sense you dumb fuck!

Anyway, Chilis!  So it was an open air event which, when the tickets were bought we were thinking YES!!!  Summer time in London! A summery band!  A band who dedicated a summer song about summer in London!!! (Emmit Remmus) I felt like Hannibal from The A team!

Needless to say, the weather was balls.  In addition, the concert was a total let down, despite a welcome idiosyncratic set list including Sir Psycho Sexy, Higher Ground and Soul to Squeeze.  Take that part time fans!!!  I realised despite RHCP being an awesome band, they aren’t up to much live.  They certainly weren’t as energetic as Dizee Rascal who actually stole the show, despite being a total bell-end with his hooliganistic chant of:


I’ll be honest, I was loving that!  I embrace any given moment of being a hooligan, when it is or isn’t socially acceptable.  I love it!  Fuck you!!

Anyway, the weather being shitty and the 2 and a bit hours or so that the chilis were on, I realised that not only was I distinctly disappointed with the way my life was going in that given moment, I was also strongly loathing all the cunts I was surrounded by....essentially a bunch of cunty-chops who had obviously never experienced alcohol before, didn’t know how to handle it and were freakin’ it!  In addition to this, they probably think that the chilis are the best band ever.  As previously stipulated, they aren’t anything spectacular live and if you know me, you know I have been to more than my fair share of gigs. 

My problems with the headliners:  Well, not much of a crowd interaction was the most obvious.  It was almost as if they were there just for the sake of it.  It was the fourth time I have seen the chilis and the last two times have been a shambles!  Flea has become a little cocky in my opinion, thanking only 2 of the 3 support acts.  Knob.  And also, The new guitarist Josh clinghoffer#psqriohgqbwer;cvl            qwebf;khjbg      qwerg – that’s his name – was basically non-existent.  He may as well have been backstage doing the instrumentals (bring back Mr John Frusciante, please!) Chad was awesome.  I do love Chad.  He is always up for it.  T. Keidis was the first off stage.  It was as if he couldn’t wait to fuck off.  I don’t get it!

Furthermore, as I have already mentioned....the fans that were there.  Fucking hell!  Bar, one or two funny lads from Wales....the rest were a bunch of kids who pretended to know how to smoke and like I already said, thought the Chilis were god’s gift to the world.  It reminded me of my brief stint on the RHCP app. 

I need to say, I thought the idea of the app was super kool. You were able to keep up with the band’s current affairs, buy merchandise, see videos, lyrics and interact with other fans.  It was almost like twitter specifically for the chilis.  But, I say it was brief because around a week later I realised the vast majority were a bunch of retards who hated you if you were outside of the opinion that the chilis were the greatest band of all time x infinity100000000000000000000000000000000.  Now, I love the chilis, I have all their albums and I, better than most, know their history, all the names that have been and gone etcetc.  But, one conversation with a ‘fellow apper’ put me off completely. 

(This was a while ago...)

APPER: I am trying to think of another band as good as the chilis who have been going as long as them.

ME: Chilis been going for 28 years.  Metallica recently got inaugurated into the hall of fame for 30 years of music AND they are working on a new album.

APPER: Yeah but, they are not as good as the chilis

ME: That’s a difference of opinion and it is debateable.

OTHER APPER (my sister): Maiden released an album only last year, still touring and have been going longer than Metallica, even.  Motorhead celebrated 35 years a few years ago and recently released an album and AC/DC are touring.

APPER: Yeah but none of their albums are as good as the chilis or as acclaimed

OTHER APPER: Yes they are and also, the foos had an album which was highly revered. 

APPER:  You’re such a hater!  I’m going to go and listen to Porcelain to calm myself down. 

Then, everyone jumped on the bandwagon and started to call us haters for knowing about other bands.  Cunts. 

Also, can I just say – Porcelain is without doubt thee gayest song in the chilis’ back catalogue.  Even the chilis are like:

Sorry lads.  Dunno what that was about.

Also, how are we haters just because we had a different opinion??! That guy was what I would like to call a knobcunt hybrid.  He is the worst of both worlds.  He is a hermaphrodite.  He’s a herm!  Not only does he listen to porcelain but no other bands are allowed to be better than the chilis.  Knobcunt!

We were surrounded by the same bunch of knobcunts on Saturday and it was painful.  You can’t beat a Motorhead crowd!

Much love,

Jackson L.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Immortal Technique

have recently been a total shit and not been up to my usual blogging ways and for this I can only offer my sincerest apologies.

Well, my esteemed readers, I have been stupendously busy. I have had a few things happen over the last few months which has detracted my usual musings/venting on our lovely virtual planet we call the 'interweb'.

The main change which has occurred is that we now have an additional flat mate in our tight space.  Of course, he has asked me to protect his identity, even though I get about 7 people coming this way, I feel it is best I respect his wishes. 
*It’s funny, despite the hysterically small traffic figures, I still get hate mail.  Hahaha.  Haterz be hatin’! *
So, we shall call him Simon.  In an admirable quest to change his life for the better Simon has come down to London to pursue a career path he feels is more befitting and I have given him all the support I believe I could have and will continue to do so. 
Having an extra person living here has made it a bit more difficult to enjoy luxuries such as blogging, what with trying to balance a job, studying, up keep of the flat and of course training.  But, as the legendary John Lennon once said –
Life happens when you make other plans.

True that.

So, I digress as I so often do.  There have been countless positives of having Simon here.  I won’t get into too much detail about it and bore you all half to sleep, as I’m sure I already have....WAKE UP!!!
Anyway, the main positive is that I have been enlightened to a whole different universe of music whenever we are driving in his car.  (Just managed to work in a positive there.  They call me ‘Positive J’)

There is, in fairness, a lot of shit that you have to sieve through, which I suppose you can say about anybody’s music collection.  However, the most outstanding artist that I have been exposed to is a rapper by the name of Immortal Technique. 

He is a rapper/activist who is of Afro-Peruvian decent.  Born in Lima, Peru he was raised in Harlem, New York and he is one hell of a rapper with a incredible diction and an inconceivable dexterity to rhyme words.  He has a powerful message to compliment his proficiency and this is essentially a call for  the lay person to wake the fuck up and understand what is happening in our world – behind the scenes so to speak.  Also, to appreciate that things aren’t what they seem. 
Unfortunately, and rather stupidly on my part, I have not yet got my hands on his older material but, notable tracks on his latest album, The Martyr include:
The Martyr
Rich Man’s World (1%)
Eyes In The Sky
Black Vikings
Ultimas Parablas (This is one of those life changing speeches you see given in films. Power.)
Sign of the Times

It’s all deep stuff.  The album is awesome and if you’re reading this, I recommend you get your hands on it.  All the songs are on youtube.  Hard hitting.  Overwhelming.  Awesome.

Remember the name.  Immortal Technique. 

Much love,

Jackson L.