I would like to begin this post today by wishing the best to the bereaved families of those shot dead in Toulouse, France this morning. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. I just hope it is not racially motivated as there is already enough hatred.
Over the last week or so, a few things have caught my eyes and ears and I would very much like to convey my opinions on these things. I was on my way home from the gym (because I am a total tank) the other day when I heard on the radio that the artist Plan B – who I do believe is a very talented artist – believes that the riots in London last summer were due to the upper and middle classes labelling the lower class derogatory names such as “chavs”. I do believe that people are entitled to their own opinions and I also think that there are some people in society that genuinely do not know any better just because of their social status in society or the way they were brought up, however, I still do not think that this was an excuse. Therefore, Plan B, I think this is a bollocks excuse! People, no matter how stupid they are, know when something is right and wrong. Going out rioting, setting things alight, looting, ruining other people’s livelihoods as well as killing is just plain wrong! And you are trying to tell me it’s because of school playground name calling??! COME ON!!!
There was no excuse. It ruined last summer in London for everybody. People have been made to feel inferior due to different ethnic backgrounds, gender and age even today and they have not been lame enough disturb the peace. If you want to be heard there is a more effective way of doing it rather than getting violent about it. If their sole mission was to achieve equality in treatment – and everybody knows it was just an excuse to grab a free TV – they totally shot themselves in the foot as now these people are thought to be scummier than ever. Around the same time in many countries in the Middle East, young and old were marching for basic human rights and in London a bunch of dickheads were looking to grab a tescovalue bag of basmati..... tragic.
Elsewhere, a US serviceman went a little trigger happy when he was drunk. Apparently he was mentally and physically injured in a tour of Iraq which is – according to his lawyer – what gave him the impetus to murder in cold blood 16 innocent people in their own homes. Oh, but he was mentally and physically injured in Iraq so it’s ok, right?! Get a fucking grip. I suppose you could argue that the military should have been more sympathetic to the fact that he was not fit to serve his country so soon after returning home from his previous tour(s) but, this is still unacceptable. He is there to represent his country and it’s not like they were doing a stellar job as it was but this event has undone any good they have done.
I have seen an advert for a book called Religion for Athiests: A non-believers guide to the uses of Religion. The advert has the slogan - "Even if religion isn't true, can't you enjoy the best bits?" Every time I do see it I can’t help but get pissed off! I think you already DO enjoy the best parts of religion. You have made Christmas and Easter painfully commercial as it is. Also, not that I have a problem with homosexual relationships but, listening to gay people express their negative views on religions but demand to have the rights to same sex marriage – A RELIGIOUS RITUAL – is a bit paradoxical, no? Have your civil partnerships, be who and whatever you want to be as long as you are a happy, good person however, don’t mock and abuse something that you don’t wholeheartedly agree with but wish to pick and choose only the best bits. It doesn’t work that way!
Much love,
Jackson L.