Friday, 3 August 2012

Olympics 2012

OK OK, my mind has well and truly been changed about the Olympics.  I am actually quite into it.  Ever since the opening ceremony I was like “Yeah, alright!  Let’s fuckin’ do this London!” 

I have actively tried to obtain tickets to an event now that all the corporation fucktards are making it all look bad by not attending causing the ‘empty seats’ debacle.  From a world’s games perspective that does look pretty bad, in fairness.  Also, I still maintain that many of the events are a load of bullshit.  Also, I recently discovered that some sports are so much more pointless than people are letting on from a total different standpoint.  Swimming.  Humans have not been engineered to be quick at swimming.  Sharks are fast at swimming.  DOLPHINS(!) - or ‘dorrpheenah’ for my Japanese followers (hello!!) – are fast swimmers.  But humans?! No.  You put a shark up against a human, 9 times out of 10 the shark will win.  The one time the human wins is because the shark is disabled and gay and ginger and bad at sports and probably dead. 

Furthermore, the Olympic lanes have come into full effect and it is full on traffic jams for 2+ hours at a time!  How fucking dumb is that idea?! 5 million+ London cars on the road, 15000 people needing to go to and from athletic events…. Yeah.  Makes sense.  Dick!

Anyways, so I am once again sorry for being so under the radar…once a month is fast becoming a luxury but this is because I am now trying to set up a business where I work for myself.  I have recently qualified as a nutritionist and I do this a long with personal training freelance.  I have business cards and everything!  I have had to get a few things set up such as get a business bank account, company name registration, web domains, business cards and leaflets etc.  It is an exciting venture which I will need to work really hard at!   This is to help me save up for another business venture I have been planning.  I have had the idea in mind for a little while now so I will hopefully get something going asap!  I won’t be mentioning the idea as a good business idea is a quiet one!  I just need that start up to crack on.  So I am very, very busy!  

I have recently tried a new flavour of frozen yogurt called ‘Cake Batter’. Essentially it is frozen custard.  It is awesome! If you get the chance try it!  It is like sex for your mind and your mouth.  

Much love,

Jackson L. 

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Train home and thoughts on the Olympics 2012

On my way home for a temporary period.  It is a little unfortunate that have HaD to come home earlier than I would have liked to - essentially the avoid the Olympics (I shall discuss why in a moment).

Anyway, on the train I have the tragic misfortune of being sat within an earshot of the most pretentious cunt hair in the fucking universe! I don't mind people making polite conversations on journeys such as the one I'm currently fact I believe it is a lost art.  What did we ever do pre technology on long journeys?? You can only read the papers for so long.... so talk! I encourage you to engage in conversation but, not when you are constantly talking yourself up or speaking audibly with the phone to your ear even thought you probably didn't even get a fucking call!

"Yeah she invited Mr other island which is awesome!"

This is one of many quotes which I had the severe displeasure of hearing.  Well, you pretentious motherfucker, you are travelling to Glasgow - Britain's poor man - on standard class with Virgin trains.

Well done you ya fucking knob! While talking to the young family seated near him he conveyed is love for many of the Asian capitol cities he visited during his "massive tour of Asia" including Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand etc. When he was asked about Kuala Lumpur he woefully responds with "Where's that?" I'm not even joking, I legitimately smacked my had against my head in a disgusted manner. He later explained that he was from a small, secluded hillbilly butt fuck town on he outskirts of Glasgow where they have no electricity, hot water or have any knowledge of what the Fucking internet is! This place is known as Ayr. Explains it all. I even took a photo of the monstrous cunt and tweeted it out of sheer disgust. You will find that he is fat and crap and most definitely bad at sports even though he may have only vague interest in sports like cricket and polo to make him appear cultured and interesting but in actuality is a complete fucktard who just likes to say shit to please people. I have been on the train a little over 2 hours and he has already surpassed anybody I have ever met or known of in terms of knobbish douchery. With regards to the Olympics games which has found it's way to London this year, I desperately wanted to be out of London for it, London is already insanely busy. Road works are taking the piss, public transport is sub par at best and in addition, they have added an Olympic lane on the roads of London for VIPs and athletes...I want to be on this lane, find the symbol and piss all over it because I don't give a fuckshit. That's right "fuckshit". Its so much powerful, don't you agree? How dumb as the Olympics? Some of the events are such non-things...javelin throwing - essentially throw a spear as far as you know we have guns, right? No one uses spears for anything anymore. Shot basically threw a 5kg pebble far. Good for you. Olympic marathon runners - unless you run marathons for charities there is literally no fucking reason to run such excessive amounts! There is keeping fit, healthy, losing weight etc and then there is jut plain sad. You ran 26.2 miles in 3 hours? I drove it in half an hour. Don't you feel like a shite bag now? Go on start crying. Go on. There are so many more but I just can't be arsed talking about it. Don't get me wrong, some are good. Some. The worst thing is they get the nations of the world to descend upon one city to compete in bullshit like shooting and everyone goes fucking ape shit for it! Why? I'm hungry. I'm getting food and is all continue my journey rather irate at the counts I'm surrounded by. Much love, Jackson L

Monday, 25 June 2012

Red Hot Chili Peppers

I recently went to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers (RHCP), a band which I love!  They are so summery and awesome to listen to.  Not only do they create sweet, sweet music for a sad, sad world but, they compliment the music well with their excellent lyricism. 

None of this Carly Rae Jepsen bullshit –

Before you came into my life I missed you so bad  That makes no god damn motherfucking sense you dumb fuck!

Anyway, Chilis!  So it was an open air event which, when the tickets were bought we were thinking YES!!!  Summer time in London! A summery band!  A band who dedicated a summer song about summer in London!!! (Emmit Remmus) I felt like Hannibal from The A team!

Needless to say, the weather was balls.  In addition, the concert was a total let down, despite a welcome idiosyncratic set list including Sir Psycho Sexy, Higher Ground and Soul to Squeeze.  Take that part time fans!!!  I realised despite RHCP being an awesome band, they aren’t up to much live.  They certainly weren’t as energetic as Dizee Rascal who actually stole the show, despite being a total bell-end with his hooliganistic chant of:


I’ll be honest, I was loving that!  I embrace any given moment of being a hooligan, when it is or isn’t socially acceptable.  I love it!  Fuck you!!

Anyway, the weather being shitty and the 2 and a bit hours or so that the chilis were on, I realised that not only was I distinctly disappointed with the way my life was going in that given moment, I was also strongly loathing all the cunts I was surrounded by....essentially a bunch of cunty-chops who had obviously never experienced alcohol before, didn’t know how to handle it and were freakin’ it!  In addition to this, they probably think that the chilis are the best band ever.  As previously stipulated, they aren’t anything spectacular live and if you know me, you know I have been to more than my fair share of gigs. 

My problems with the headliners:  Well, not much of a crowd interaction was the most obvious.  It was almost as if they were there just for the sake of it.  It was the fourth time I have seen the chilis and the last two times have been a shambles!  Flea has become a little cocky in my opinion, thanking only 2 of the 3 support acts.  Knob.  And also, The new guitarist Josh clinghoffer#psqriohgqbwer;cvl            qwebf;khjbg      qwerg – that’s his name – was basically non-existent.  He may as well have been backstage doing the instrumentals (bring back Mr John Frusciante, please!) Chad was awesome.  I do love Chad.  He is always up for it.  T. Keidis was the first off stage.  It was as if he couldn’t wait to fuck off.  I don’t get it!

Furthermore, as I have already mentioned....the fans that were there.  Fucking hell!  Bar, one or two funny lads from Wales....the rest were a bunch of kids who pretended to know how to smoke and like I already said, thought the Chilis were god’s gift to the world.  It reminded me of my brief stint on the RHCP app. 

I need to say, I thought the idea of the app was super kool. You were able to keep up with the band’s current affairs, buy merchandise, see videos, lyrics and interact with other fans.  It was almost like twitter specifically for the chilis.  But, I say it was brief because around a week later I realised the vast majority were a bunch of retards who hated you if you were outside of the opinion that the chilis were the greatest band of all time x infinity100000000000000000000000000000000.  Now, I love the chilis, I have all their albums and I, better than most, know their history, all the names that have been and gone etcetc.  But, one conversation with a ‘fellow apper’ put me off completely. 

(This was a while ago...)

APPER: I am trying to think of another band as good as the chilis who have been going as long as them.

ME: Chilis been going for 28 years.  Metallica recently got inaugurated into the hall of fame for 30 years of music AND they are working on a new album.

APPER: Yeah but, they are not as good as the chilis

ME: That’s a difference of opinion and it is debateable.

OTHER APPER (my sister): Maiden released an album only last year, still touring and have been going longer than Metallica, even.  Motorhead celebrated 35 years a few years ago and recently released an album and AC/DC are touring.

APPER: Yeah but none of their albums are as good as the chilis or as acclaimed

OTHER APPER: Yes they are and also, the foos had an album which was highly revered. 

APPER:  You’re such a hater!  I’m going to go and listen to Porcelain to calm myself down. 

Then, everyone jumped on the bandwagon and started to call us haters for knowing about other bands.  Cunts. 

Also, can I just say – Porcelain is without doubt thee gayest song in the chilis’ back catalogue.  Even the chilis are like:

Sorry lads.  Dunno what that was about.

Also, how are we haters just because we had a different opinion??! That guy was what I would like to call a knobcunt hybrid.  He is the worst of both worlds.  He is a hermaphrodite.  He’s a herm!  Not only does he listen to porcelain but no other bands are allowed to be better than the chilis.  Knobcunt!

We were surrounded by the same bunch of knobcunts on Saturday and it was painful.  You can’t beat a Motorhead crowd!

Much love,

Jackson L.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Immortal Technique

have recently been a total shit and not been up to my usual blogging ways and for this I can only offer my sincerest apologies.

Well, my esteemed readers, I have been stupendously busy. I have had a few things happen over the last few months which has detracted my usual musings/venting on our lovely virtual planet we call the 'interweb'.

The main change which has occurred is that we now have an additional flat mate in our tight space.  Of course, he has asked me to protect his identity, even though I get about 7 people coming this way, I feel it is best I respect his wishes. 
*It’s funny, despite the hysterically small traffic figures, I still get hate mail.  Hahaha.  Haterz be hatin’! *
So, we shall call him Simon.  In an admirable quest to change his life for the better Simon has come down to London to pursue a career path he feels is more befitting and I have given him all the support I believe I could have and will continue to do so. 
Having an extra person living here has made it a bit more difficult to enjoy luxuries such as blogging, what with trying to balance a job, studying, up keep of the flat and of course training.  But, as the legendary John Lennon once said –
Life happens when you make other plans.

True that.

So, I digress as I so often do.  There have been countless positives of having Simon here.  I won’t get into too much detail about it and bore you all half to sleep, as I’m sure I already have....WAKE UP!!!
Anyway, the main positive is that I have been enlightened to a whole different universe of music whenever we are driving in his car.  (Just managed to work in a positive there.  They call me ‘Positive J’)

There is, in fairness, a lot of shit that you have to sieve through, which I suppose you can say about anybody’s music collection.  However, the most outstanding artist that I have been exposed to is a rapper by the name of Immortal Technique. 

He is a rapper/activist who is of Afro-Peruvian decent.  Born in Lima, Peru he was raised in Harlem, New York and he is one hell of a rapper with a incredible diction and an inconceivable dexterity to rhyme words.  He has a powerful message to compliment his proficiency and this is essentially a call for  the lay person to wake the fuck up and understand what is happening in our world – behind the scenes so to speak.  Also, to appreciate that things aren’t what they seem. 
Unfortunately, and rather stupidly on my part, I have not yet got my hands on his older material but, notable tracks on his latest album, The Martyr include:
The Martyr
Rich Man’s World (1%)
Eyes In The Sky
Black Vikings
Ultimas Parablas (This is one of those life changing speeches you see given in films. Power.)
Sign of the Times

It’s all deep stuff.  The album is awesome and if you’re reading this, I recommend you get your hands on it.  All the songs are on youtube.  Hard hitting.  Overwhelming.  Awesome.

Remember the name.  Immortal Technique. 

Much love,

Jackson L.

Monday, 19 March 2012

point of view

I would like to begin this post today by wishing the best to the bereaved families of those shot dead in Toulouse, France this morning.  My thoughts and prayers go out to you.  I just hope it is not racially motivated as there is already enough hatred. 

Over the last week or so, a few things have caught my eyes and ears and I would very much like to convey my opinions on these things.  I was on my way home from the gym (because I am a total tank) the other day when I heard on the radio that the artist Plan B – who I do believe is a very talented artist – believes that the riots in London last summer were due to the upper and middle classes labelling the lower class derogatory names such as “chavs”.  I do believe that people are entitled to their own opinions and I also think that there are some people in society that genuinely do not know any better just because of their social status in society or the way they were brought up, however, I still do not think that this was an excuse.  Therefore, Plan B, I think this is a bollocks excuse!  People, no matter how stupid they are, know when something is right and wrong.  Going out rioting, setting things alight, looting, ruining other people’s livelihoods as well as killing is just plain wrong!  And you are trying to tell me it’s because of school playground name calling??!  COME ON!!! 

There was no excuse.  It ruined last summer in London for everybody.   People have been made to feel inferior due to different ethnic backgrounds, gender and age even today and they have not been lame enough disturb the peace.  If you want to be heard there is a more effective way of doing it rather than getting violent about it.  If their sole mission was to achieve equality in treatment – and everybody knows it was just an excuse to grab a free TV – they totally shot themselves in the foot as now these people are thought to be scummier than ever.  Around the same time in many countries in the Middle East, young and old were marching for basic human rights and in London a bunch of dickheads were looking to grab a tescovalue bag of basmati..... tragic. 

Elsewhere, a US serviceman went a little trigger happy when he was drunk.  Apparently he was mentally and physically injured in a tour of Iraq which is – according to his lawyer – what gave him the impetus to murder in cold blood 16 innocent people in their own homes.  Oh, but he was mentally and physically injured in Iraq so it’s ok, right?! Get a fucking grip.  I suppose you could argue that the military should have been more sympathetic to the fact that he was not fit to serve his country so soon after returning home from his previous tour(s) but, this is still unacceptable.  He is there to represent his country and it’s not like they were doing a stellar job as it was but this event has undone any good they have done.  

I have seen an advert for a book called Religion for Athiests: A non-believers guide to the uses of Religion.  The advert has the slogan - "Even if religion isn't true, can't you enjoy the best bits?" Every time I do see it I can’t help but get pissed off!  I think you already DO enjoy the best parts of religion.  You have made Christmas and Easter painfully commercial as it is.  Also, not that I have a problem with homosexual relationships but, listening to gay people express their negative views on religions but demand to have the rights to same sex marriage –  A RELIGIOUS RITUAL – is a bit paradoxical, no?  Have your civil partnerships, be who and whatever you want to be as long as you are a happy, good person however, don’t mock and abuse something that you don’t wholeheartedly agree with but wish to pick and choose only the best bits.  It doesn’t work that way!

Much love,

Jackson L.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


I would like to discuss my intolerance towards Rihanna.

Firstly I will begin by emphasising her complete stupidity... I will for the life of me never ever know how or why she managed to forgive Chris Brown.  In case you haven't noticed, Rihanna, you are a rold model for many douchebags whether you like it or not..... what kind of message do you think you are portraying?! 

"Its okay to get the shit kicked out of you by your man." 

Idition, Chris Brown is sucan epic cunt.  For you constantly saying you have changed, you will orever be known as the knob that beat on a woman. Your juvenile, tragic faggotry on twitter shows you in your true light.

Furthermore, you constantly insist on torturing us by working with Drake - rap's spastic child.  I completely adore the fact that Drake is all:


Mate, you went to a fucking private school in Canada and you used to look like this.  Rihanna, your music is even more shitty and monotonous because of your shit collaborations with him.

"Square root of 69 is 8 something, right?" - for one, shut the fuck up.  Two, you are not clever.  And three, you are a cunt. Fuck off.  Also, your name is RIHANNA!  You are 24 years old.  You really should know your own name by now!

Finally, with all this said - I have come up with a theory about Rihanna.  She is the lost tellytubby.  Don't act all surprised!  It is really obvious when you think about it.  Listen to all her shit songs. 

"You DA one that I dream about alweh eh ehz....You DA one I think about alweh eh ehz"

It's 'THE' not 'DA' but I do recall the tellytubbies saying "EH-OH" all the time.  What's with all the 'eh eh eh', Rihanna? Hmm??!

"You can stand under my umbrella ella ella EH EH EH"

I think my theory is gathering a little strength. 


Tellytubbies generally make stupid noises.  Also, refer to intro to Disturbia, S&M, Pon De Replay (what does that even mean?!) and so many more. 

All your songs are annoyingly mundane.  I can't stand your shit and the fact that people call your noise music is an insult to art. 

Much love,

Jackson L.

Monday, 12 March 2012


Month 5 of my research into the supplementation and it has, so far, gone very well. 
After having taken Creatine pre-workout, a carbohydrate shake during and a protein shake post workout – all compounded with fat burners – my body fat percentage is now down to 15-17% having maintained most of my body mass. 
Before I delve a little more into the value of “stacking” the supplements, I will just explain a little more about my targets.   I am very happy with the level of strength I have.  I know I can improve on it but, I am not too bothered to be honest.  What I do plan on doing is altering my body image for self-efficacy and esteem.  I plan of dropping to around 9-10% body fat and raise my body mass to around 98-100kg (15stone 7lbs to 16 stone) or approximately 210-220lbs (for my imperial system using American readers).  I know that you may think this is mission impossible but I think that by the end of June I can achieve these targets.   I have altered my lifestyle so that I have cut out a lot of things from my daily diet which really helps.  I have completely cut out added sugars as well as cutting out white carbs altogether and replaced with wholemeal pasta, bread, rice, even sweet potatoes instead of normal potatoes.  In addition to this, I have cut my fat intake considerably.  One should not cut out a macronutrient from their diet altogether but, if you are trying to get rid of fat, it would be stupid to add more fat to your body.  I get my fats from nuts, no sugar organic peanut butter, olive oil and humous.  All of this coupled with correct supplementation will really help achieve my goal.  I have tried this for the last few months and when I have lapsed into a normal diet again I have found that I am putting on weight easily without losing any shape.   I’m looking forward to that phase of my journey as I will be gorging on everything!
Anyway, how many of you people workout regularly and take supplements and not noticed the desired effect?  It is probably because you have been briefly told about protein and how muscle needs protein to grow and repair.  Well, let me tell you the science of muscle is a lot more complex than just simple growth and repair.  To put it simply, growth and repair, just like everything is our crazy universe requires energy.  Energy in its most abundant form for humans in fat but, unfortunately, too much fat is not good for you.  So, we turn to carbohydrates.  An average 70kg man required 300g (40g of which to be sugars) in his daily diet.  This is to maintain a healthy average body mass index (BMI).  If you want to grow muscles, you need more than 300g.  This is why drinking a carbohydrate shake during a workout helps gain optimal muscle growth.  Carbs saturate the muscle quicker and it is a faster source of energy when you have depleted your energy reserve.  Ever wondered why you were advised to eat carbs after a heavy session – cardio or weights?  Particularly if you want to build muscle. 
Your body naturally creates a source of energy called adenosine triphosphate.   It is the single most potent source of energy in your whole body.  So incredible in fact, that your body recycles it and it is capable to creating energy levels comparable to burning of alcohol – 45.6kJ/mole to be precise.  It is required for literally everything your body does; breathing beating heart, blinking, hormonal release, digestion – essentially voluntary and involuntary movement.  So with that, a phosphate from the ATP combines with a muscle specific energy used during anaerobic exercise called creatine giving phospho-creatine.  This is what gives you the energy to push out those reps.  Supplementing your natural reserve of creatine with a creatine shake helps pile out another 2-3 reps and this helps you develop quicker. 
Protein shake for after workout to help with growth and repair is essential but, your body can only take so much protein per day.  Too much protein can actually cause kidney stones which is very painful to pass.  Also, too much of any macronutrient will be stored as fat as your body will not be able to metabolise it. 
In addition to these supplements, fat burners are a good way to kick start your day.  They are usually packed with caffeine which are naturally good at metabolising fats and can contain other natural extracts such as green tea extract, cayenne pepper and orange peel.  A lot of research has gone into fat burners but, always; with all the supplements ignore what they say on the label – apart from the dosage.  With fat burners you need to be careful as fatty receptor cells are sensitive.  They can get used to a specific fat burner and after time it will not have the desired effect.  This is why having two fat burners and interchanging (2weeks on 2weeks off) is the best way to ensure they are working.

To summarise, you need to STACK your supplements.  This means take more than one supplement.  Creatine and a fat burner pre-workout, carbs during your work out and protein post workout seems to be the winning formula. 
I will no doubt keep you posted.
Much love,

Jackson L.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Cats versus dogs

I am such a cat person. Cats are far superior to the annoying, needy cannes mongrelise. Not just domesticated cats but the whole feline family as a whole.

I know a lot of dog owners and thankfully not all of them become like their pets - weird, needy, smelly and annoying. They are one step away from licking their own balls and then licking your face. Disgusting and deplorable behaviour. Also, is there anything more tragic than seeing a dog owner pick up dog shit whenever these people take their dogs out in public?!

Read this:

Cats are so much more intelligent than dogs!

Much love,

Jackson L

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

A controversial opinion

I think that there is a long overdue apology in order for some of my readers who have actually even sent me emails questioning whether I am still in fact walking around on our beautiful Earth.  Well, I am alive and kicking and doing just fine!
I do apologise tremendously for being so off the radar.   I have been insanely busy.  Research is going well and I will update you all on that on a later blog…because I am sure you all want to know about it!
I do have rather a lot to talk about but the more I think about it I guess it is now considered old news.  You all have probably formulated your opinions and moved on and that’s kool.  I guess it serves me right for not updating in so long.
….Uh Happy New year by the way!  I just realised it is indeed my first blog of 2012 and what better way to start with a bit of controversy?!  Eh??  Ya bastards!
I would like to address several issues here.  There has of late, been many programmes on TV looking at how segregated communities in the UK are.  One area in particular is Bradford which has a population from many diverse origins; Afro-Caribbean, Asian and white and from different social statuses.  A series, Make Bradford British, documenting one person from each of these ethnic backgrounds (male and female) - who were born and raised in the UK but failed ‘The Government UK Citizenship test’ – was chosen to live together for a few weeks.  I believe it to be a rather positive and interesting social experiment as it is carried out before the all-seeing eyes of the British public and it is footage at its most raw.  This allows people who do observe to formulate proper opinions with a deeper understanding of how ‘their foreign neighbour’ may operate on a daily basis.  So far we are one episode in and I think it will get better. 
The important thing is though, it got me thinking more and more and I think it is important that I – as a Muslim man living in the UK hailing Britain from the Arab world – get these opinions across in any way I can. 
A few weeks ago I was walking en route to work and I stopped and watched a crowd of people launch a symphony verbal abuse at an Arab Muslim – my kinsmen – for holding a sizeable placard stating:
Now, living in the country that we do, we have several freedoms and rights and one of those rights is the freedom of speech.  I have always said – and I will say again – there is no such thing as ‘Freedom of Speech’.  I am of that philosophy as in public, despite having the right to your own opinions, you still need to be careful about what you say because you can still offend people.  Freedom of speech would entitle you to call an individual who is of a Negro persuasion a ‘nigger’.  This is a very derogatory word, it offends, and it therefore, should not be said.  However, a bigoted, intolerant, Nazi shithead could argue that it is well within their right to say that as it comes under freedom of speech, hence, in my opinion, this is a grossly paradoxical. 
Anyway, I deviate.  In between the moderate racism I was hearing, I was trying to gain better understanding of his want for a Shariyah Britain. 
Shariyah – This is the name given to the law under Islamic code.  Essentially it follows political, country, housing, tax, charity (etc) laws as it is stated in the Quran. 
If I am perfectly honest, he did look the type that may have just wanted there to be Shariyah law JUST because and ONLY because he was Muslim.  In my experience however, I am trying my best to not judge a book by its cover and I do strongly believe his heart was in the heart place.  He explained that he lives in fear.  He also went on to explain that this is his Britain as well and he is saying that Shariyah law would make Britain a safer, more economically stable country with low unemployment rates etc.  I am indeed, like many of you reading this sceptical, but I couldn’t help but think ‘what if?’  If nothing else, could he be right?  Would the death penalty act as a deterrent?  Would no alcohol and no gambling mean less violence in the streets?  If taxation was not a big deal and everyone did chip in (pay Zakat) would we be hit as hard in the recession?? Who knows?
Anyway, the more I thought about it the more I began to think that this guy is awfully brave, to the point of being stupid, for voicing his opinions publicly.  There are so many movements trying to get rid of ‘the foreigners’ who have stolen the native’s jobs, money, streets, women, houses and healthcare.  The likes of the National Front, English Defence League, Scottish Defence League who have also exercised their right to a freedom of speech to stop any progression towards changing their British law.  The law of their land.  The law it has always been and the law they have always understood.  I feel at this point I must reiterate that I am a Muslim man. I wholeheartedly understand why there are all these movements with such far right wing ideals. When something that you love comes under any threat from anything foreign you feel like you must defend it and I respect that.
I do not agree with the way that some of these people portray themselves though.  I think when any violence, rather than civil understanding through debate and discussion, is introduced you induce fear between these groups.  Fear due to lack of understanding leads to hatred because of cultural differences and this leads to racial hate and discrimination.  This occurs on both sides of the fence so I am not one of those people who exclaim “THE WHITE MAN IS THE DEVIL!”  They are both as guilty as each other. 
The National Front movements have had educated people speak up against what they believe is wrong in their country and I understand that but, their movement is tarnished because you get the ‘foot soldiers’ who commit violent attacks on innocent people with different coloured skin.  One cannot help being born with the colour of the skin!  One also cannot help being born in a foreign country, much like I was.  I was born in the UK and I embrace myself as British.  I was raised here.  I grew up here and I feel I integrated well here.  I have been presented with many opportunities which I try to take full advantage of and I have a fantastic life here.  I would never expect to see Britain change to a foreign way of life and so they should not!  We, the foreign people, are lucky to be in a country which has granted us asylum, a house for us to make into a home, benefits (if we need it), free healthcare and education.  Basically, we get hooked up!
In Islam we are taught to respect the laws of foreign land.  Britain is not a Muslim country and therefore, from a Muslim’s stand point, this is a foreign country.  We must respect the law of their land.  If British non-Muslim women went to Saudi Arabia (don’t ask me why….) they would be expected to cover up their hair and dress in a certain way.  The very least we can do – after being given so much – is adhere to their regulations, not be cheeky enough to try and change it!  By all means uphold your own cultural customs but don’t become a fundamentalist and try to get an entire country to observe to your principles. 

Much love,

Jackson L.