Have a watch of this video –
I wonder if she blows her father with that mouth. What a stupid fucking bitch. Seriously. How dumb can you get? I feel sorry for her child as dumb assery breeds dumb assery.
Someone needs to tell her that the reason why ‘her Britain’ is in the shitter goes deeper than just ‘a bunch of foreigners’ coming in and stealing all her jobs. Not to be as prejudice as her but, no doubt she is on the dole and claiming benefits anyway so she wouldn’t have a job to begin with! She is the model of the decay of western society and narrow mindedness that you read about or hear about in the news and actually think to yourself – Really?! There are people out there who can say such things or do such things to their fellow man??! How backwards and dense can you get? Even animals show each other more respect!
Clearly, she was just brought up around other stupid people who have manipulated and brainwashed her only for her to regurgitate what she has brought up to believe with no sound or justifiable cause to say it other than the fact the she believes she lives a life of hard knocks because there are people from other ethnic backgrounds who live within her country. This is why I feel for the child as this is what he will grow up to learn and it is wrong.
This woman was sentenced to jail time but managed to get off by agreeing to do community service.
I thought it was funny.
Much love,
Jackson L.