Blog 100 of 2011. Register this expression….it’s my ‘I don’t give a shit face’. I would say I will make it a good one but, I’ll be honest – my musings are really not that interesting so the fact that you are even reading this is an emphatically mammoth compliment nevertheless, truly, there must be something seriously wrong with you. I discuss things which have no real bearing on anyone’s life and it can simply be summed up in one word – shit. It’s ok though – I do enjoy receiving emails of sheer hatred explicitly describing my being as futile and how my opinions are just terrible and I am possibly worse than the anti-Christ.
Anyway, I read in the paper today that Daniel Craig – an actor almost as wooden as a hybrid of Keanu Reeves and Nicholas Cage and Clive Owen and Kristin Stewart – thought that Kim Kardashin was a ‘fucking idiot’. I must say – my respect levels peaked from ‘fuck all’ which is a legitimate standard unit of measure to ‘almost fuck all’ which of course is one up from fuck all. It goes like this
Fucking shit loads
Shit loads
Almost fuck all
Fuck all
I saw this today:
Not really much else to chat about – work levels have been picking up and between trying to juggle uni, work and the gym; I have been intensely busy….to the point where I kind of hate myself for being alive but, I guess keeping busy is better than doing nothing with my time.
Keep on keeping on, people!
Much love,
Jackson L.