The junior apprentice series has begun and I instantly hate every contestant on it. What a shower of stupid, needlessly arrogant, condescending, narcissistic cunts.
One of the contestants literally said:
“I got 8 A*s and 2 As in my GCSEs and I am not intimidated by anyone because I know I’m better than them.”
Well, I will go and get the biscuits. Fucking cock. What a sad sack of shite. Imagine thinking you are invincible because of your academic background. Honestly, what puts it in their minds that they are so awesome? I remember getting 8 1s in my Standard Grades and after about 2 weeks no one gave a shit and I carried on with my life.
I guess it is her insecurities creeping in with a statement like that. Obviously, due to the shocking mess that are her tragic looks she is not being chased by any of the boys in her year, most definitely because she will crush them under her beluga-whale-like weight if there were to be any boys interested unless she hasn’t already scared them off with her face which has a strong resemblance this. Obviously she needs something to make her feel good about herself and, like most other ugly people, she turns to making her academics second to none.
This is the caliber of unreserved douchebags that are littered in this show. Honestly, how can you be this much of a monumental cunt with only 16 years of life? You have barely had enough exposure to anything to be this much of a complete bell-end.
Another contestant, the one who was dismissed, possibly one of the most egotistical wankers alive exclaimed that he still has a ‘successful’ business and he will go on to pursue a life of great achievements and Lord Sugar – an established businessman who has built an empire worth £800 million over the last 40 years – will regret not hiring this child. Deluded much, you stupid shit head? This kid sounded as though he had come from a humble up-bringing by his somewhat urbanised accent which in itself was insufferable. The way he dressed with suits not at all tailored well for him and a big blinging gold watch made me, plainly, utter aloud:
“Are you for-fucking-real?”
The way he would articulate himself was comparable to a moderately well educated 3 year old. How he had any business acumen or a ‘successful’ business I will never know. And by that I mean I will never know who died and left him at the helm.
Anyway, this guy had a head that made Alien’s look minuscule. What’s funny is that it is both literal and figurative.
If, as Allen Sugar says, our country’s economy is in their hands I am leaving the fucking country.
You know what else aggravates me? When I see cyclists on the road….especially when I am driving. But, what annoys me beyond belief is when they are cycling, on a road with cars, with no hands. They are just trying to show off. Well, let me tell you, you are not kool. If anything you are the pinnacle of cuntishness. If Hitler carried out a genocide against the likes of you he would probably have been hailed a humanitarian visionary. Stop being wreckless fucking wankers and endangering yourselves, other cyclists, pedestrians and drivers. You fucking stupid fucking cunts.
I may illustrate myself as heartless here but, I hope I am in the presence of one of these ‘no hander’ cyclists if and when they get hit. I will be the first to run up and ask:
“You need a hand there…well you have two. You should have been fucking using them!”
Much love,
Jackson L