Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Friday's roll over.

Everyone in the office is a Lottery optimist except I it would seem.  It just sparked a conversation as to what we would all do with the money if we were to win it.  I must say I am shocked to hear that many of them – cardiologists – would choose to retire early.

If I was to be the lucky cunt who is to win the lottery I know I would continue with my PhD so that I would actually have something to do as I would not want to LOSE MY MIND!!! So the £136M roll over on Friday is being hypothetically won by me and this is how I would choose to spend it. 

  1. First and foremost I would write out a list of people I know and I would give them a life changing sum of money to do with whatever they please. 
  2. I would work out which charities I feel most strongly about and I will give a substantial amount to each of them to improve their outreach, advertising their mission and look to take a more active role in their work. 
  3. I would make sure my family is living comfortably wherever they may be. 
  4. I would set up my own charity to open up orphanages, schools and work in the community in Iraqi towns and cities.  I would also like to invest a lot of money in research over there as I believe risk factors such as cancer rates are more prevalent there thanks to all the Napalm…..well done USA. 
  5. I would invest in properties on a global scale and use the money gained from this venture to invest more in my own charity. 
  6. Continue my quest for the perfect wardrobe.
  7. I would open up a gym(s) ensuring that it is to my standards.  Profits would go to opening up more branches.  Chain gym. Yes!
  8. I will buy out Yogland and ensure they will get into cinemas and Scotland – T will run it in Scotland for me. 
  9. I will simply write a list of all the countries and cities I want to go and only buy a ticket to that destination…first class of course….wearing only the clothes I have at that time.

I am sure I can think up many more things to do but for now that is all I can think of. 

What would you spend your hypothetical millions on? 

Much love,

Jackson L. 

12 Pillars

I have recently finished reading a very short, rather predictable novel written by Jim Rohn called the 12 Pillars.  I was intrigued by the title and therefore read it and I also hate not having anything to doze off to when I go to bed. 

I gathered that the author was not a very well accomplished author of novels, more an accomplished author of journal articles and also an accomplished, successful individual and a great motivational speaker. 

These 12 pillars of Success – as they are known – were the only thing about this story that resonated with me.  I kind of wish the book was just the list of these pillars with a brief explanation.  It was like watching a porno that had a disastrously shit storyline.  I think he was trying to get across these fundamental cornerstones of success in a way everyone can engage but, still, it was shit. 

Anyway, to save you reading the book, I will give the list – for free I might add – without needing to subject yourself to the catastrophic book.  It was offensive and I must be honest, I felt sick and cheated when I finished reading it. 


  1. Personal development - ‘yourself’ is the most critical variable of your happiness, success and achieving.  In order to do this one must strive to be ever changing.  You cannot control people or events which may happen but, you can control your response to them.  Keeping and open mind will allow you to open up your creative – leave your comfort zone and venture into the wilderness of your intuition.  There is where you will make the greatest leaps. 
  2. Health – I have always believed health to be multi dimensional.  Apparently, I am not alone and other, like Jim Rohn shares in this opinion.  I believe health is more than just how one may appear in a T-shirt or a bikini.  It is spiritual, mental as well as physical.  The umbrella of spirituality is vast and it can be reflected in many images.  Personally I rely on my faith for my spirituality however; there are those who may have no strong belief in religion and God.  Meditation is a powerful tool which can be used to strengthen spirituality.  For me, prayer is my meditation but many use it to find there inner peace and focus.  The mental aspect is constantly challenging yourself to understand.  Reading books, solving puzzles, learning new things, constantly soaking things up in the sponge that is your brain.  Ever noticed how the vast majority of scholars tend to be older individuals?  Research has shown those of whom have a rich history of academia, high IQ or lust for reading and creativity have a longer life expectancy.  In addition, physical fitness always helps keep a healthy heart and you can’t complain about looking good in a tight T.
  3. Building strong relationships – the power of relationships is so important in everyday life.  Whether a mere acquaintance or a best friend, business partner, sibling or parent, you can always benefit from these relationships. It allows for you to give and receive – “Think once before you give, twice before you receive and a thousand times before you ask for something” – Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach.  Sharing in interested and appreciating time together is what forms strong bonds of trust, loyalty and sincerity.  If anything else, it is always good to have someone to talk to and the feeling of “no matter how bad it gets, at least I can always go back to these guys…”
  4. Goal setting – a simple, yet effective tool in ensuring you achieve.  It is so easy to dream big but, life happens causing these dreams to get smaller and smaller until eventually you live a life of regret thinking “what could have been” in stead of “I tried and it wasn’t for me”.  Achieving big dreams and ambitions does not happen over night.  You need to set small goals to achieve the big targets; after all, it is the baby steps that get you to big places. 
  5. Time management – this applies for short term and long term.  Not that I think deep into the future anymore, as I like to focus on my present, there is nothing wrong with planning for tomorrow.  Planning to have something accomplished by a certain point in time is a great way to help you set your goals.  Manage your time well and you can achieve your big dreams sooner rather than later. 
  6. Surround yourself with good people – it may sound like an obvious one.  Influence is an amazing thing.  Often, one does not even realize they are being influenced.  Surround yourself with good people to be influenced well.  Surround yourself with people who will challenge your thought process and pose questions which cause you to reflect.  Immerse yourself with people who you will enjoy the company of and who also strive to be successful.  Surround yourself with positive people. 
  7. Be an everyday learner – This one is simple.  Don’t be that old dog that won’t learn new tricks.  Things are ever changing – for example, we are living in the technological era, only 20 or so years ago the internet was not commonplace.  Now, it has changed everything in our modern day.  Technology is one of many things that we must learn to keep up with to make life simpler.  Although, being too reliant on technology may be a weakness. 
  8. Influence others – Be the person others try to be like.  Show your dedication and commitment to certain things previously mentioned on this list.  I often find the good hearted people are the people that most look up to.  Justify your stance and point of view well in discussions which can help you influence others.  Never enforce your own opinion. 
  9. Financial planning – Successful people tend to invest what they have and then spend what is left rather than the other way around.  It’s not the amount of money you have but what you plan to do with it that counts and this is both interesting and important.  Jim suggests something called the 70,10,10,10 rule. For every £1 that comes into your hand that is earned or gifted to you, only spend 70 pence of that. Then spend 10 pence for charity, 10 pence to invest in your own business or savings and 10 pence that you let someone else use to make money off it i.e stocks, shares, investments into other businesses that you are not involved with.  Over time this will guarantee financial independence for anyone.  Don't forget the reason to make a living is to make a fortune. Have an "investment account" not a "savings account" because if you start picturing yourself making money from what you put aside you might actually do it. 
  10. Communicate – Breakdown in communications can lead to breakdown in your strong relationships.  Things which are lost in translation or not mentioned at all are some of the most common reasons for failed marriages.  Always maintain a level of understanding and find common ground by communicating.  Also, always be willing to look for that common ground as compromise is important in healthy relationships. 
  11. Leadership – The world can always do with another leader.  No one is asking you to run a country!  Leadership can come in many forms and it simply starts by you being the master of your fate.  You take lead of your own life through the problems, hardships, and joyous occasions.  Build into being the person people look to for something extraordinary.  Always lead by example. 
  12. Leaving a Legacy – It will be a wonderful thing to be remembered when you are gone by everyone but to be remembered AND be emulated would be only beautifully poetic.  Leaving a legacy should be everybody’s goal. 

Much love,

Jackson L.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Sorry guys...

I would like to sincerely apologise to all those who are following my blog as I have not been updating it regularly.  This has been due to my trip to Dowload, coupled with the fact that my project has picked up momentum and therefore a great lack of inspiration.  My project – which I will update on in due time – is all I am thinking of at the moment.  I thought I would take this time to let you know that this is not being abandoned. 

It is kind of shitty how lacking in excitement my life is at the moment as I am at the ‘final push’ stage of my project so I am being rather anti-social.  I am nearly there though.  The light at the end of this tunnel is getting brighter and brighter. 

I will check in properly when time is more of a luxury. 

Much love,

Jackson L. 

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Naomi Campbell

Based on this video alone - Naomi Cambell is a complete bell-end.

Much love,

Jackson L.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Spirit moves through all things.

It had been 6 years since I was last in their presence – 5 years since they had decided to go on an ‘indefinite hiatus’ and a long, long time since I had bothered to play a song of theirs on my Ipod.  Yeah, I am retro – I have an Ipod…..none of these Ipods that can make phone calls and track Air Force 1 gimmicks!  Anyway, I hadn’t been so relieved and excited to hear about a comeback so much as when I heard System of a Down were touring again!  And I was one of the lucky individuals to have had a ticket bagged for Download where they headlined the Saturday evening.  It was a heavily anticipated show and they did not let anyone down. 

Twenty six songs on the set list and from the first song to the last – the energy exuberated from the band and transpiring into the crowd – it was amazing!

The set list was:-

  1. Prison Song
  2. Soldier Side Intro
  3. B.Y.O.B
  4. I-E-A-I-A-I-O
  5. Needles
  6. Deer Dance
  7. Radio/Video
  8. Hypnotize
  9. Question!
  10. Suggestions
  11. Psycho
  12. Chop Suey!
  13. Lonely day
  14. Bounce
  15. Kill Rock n’ Roll
  16. Lost in Hollywood
  17. Forrest
  18. Science
  19. Holy Mountains
  20. Aerials
  21. Tentative
  22. Cigaro
  23. Suite-Pee
  24. War?
  25. Toxicity
  26. Sugar

For any System of a Down fan this set list can only be described, rather simply, as “fucking awesome!” because, it simply is. 

We watched with awe as they came on.  We watched with awe at how amazing they were.  We watched with awe at how baffling it was that they were better than ever.   

I remember when I first got my hands on Toxicity which was the first album I listened to before my obsession with System of a Down began.  It was the summer of 2002 and I remember coming home from town – opening up the CD case and placing it into my CD player and my chin connecting with the floor harder than ever before.  It was so different.  It was the most outlandish, raw, eccentric collection of songs into an album I had ever heard.  I remember hearing how fast Jet Pilot began.  I thought this was too much at first.  I then fell in love with this song and the rest of the songs on Toxicity and the rest of the albums.  Like a wine, System of a down have matured to become better and better and this is reflected in their later albums. 

Everything System of a Down have accomplished and for everything they stand for I hope they do carry on creating the music that they do and I hope they do not pursue any more hiatuses in their future.  They are the voice of everything that is wrong in our world today. 

Much love,

Jackson L. 

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

T, Download and a whole lot of junk.

I would say I would like to apologise for not blogging for the last 2 or so weeks but, I am not!  Yeah!  It is because I am a certified badass!  The last to weeks, my followers, has been one of the best two weeks I have had in a long time and it was fueled by junk, energy drinks, touring London and Rock ‘n’ Roll! 

It all started when T came to London.  It was Friday 3rd and this is when no gym and all healthy eating went out the window!  I showed him around London and had a fucking beastly time!!  Camden Town, Harrods, Harvey Nics, Westfield, Museums, Piccadilly Circus, the Trocadero all got done and along the way we had Snogs, Cinnabons and pretzels!  Awesome!!!  It was awesome hanging around with T.  All that was missing was nights in watching ‘The Horror Channel’. 

Following T’s departure I had Download festival to look forward to.  I had bought the ticket months ago and I couldn’t believe it was here so quick.  I had many things to do prior to leaving such as pack, go to the gym and make sure I had cash and food for the festival.  The first thing I did was went out for food shopping and, if you are anything like me, you know not to get healthy food at these events because of the fact that you are sharing about 1000 portaloos between 80000 campers….messy.  Disgusting.  Rancid.  So, you do not get healthy foods such as fruit, nuts and things such like due to the high fibre content thus, allowing you not to need the toilet so much.  What did I pick up?  Well, junk.  Cookies, crisps, sweets, chocolate, biscuits and energy drinks.  My nutrition prior to these two weeks was second to none.  I was eating a tremendous amount but all healthy and I was going to the gym 5-6 days a week.  This binge was good! 

In addition to the food shopping I really wanted to get to the gym, but I could not go.  Time was quickly moving on unfortunately and we still had a two hour drive to Donnington Park – a celebrated venue where many, many legendary bands have played such as; Iron Maiden, Metallica, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Status Quo, Ozzy Osbourne, Kiss, Rage against the Machine, Black Sabbath and so many more! After a haphazard 5 minutes of packing together some t-shirts, shorts and clothes to keep me warm at night, we left.  It was 6pm.  We arrived at around 8pm and we went to a nearby service station to meet up with some friends who were joining us on this epic weekend of heavy metal!  After having one last proper meal, we all left for the venue.  Excitement ensued. 

Upon arrival to the car park we were not made aware how far the campsite was from the car park itself.  I decided to carry all the heavy things so that we would not have much left on our second run.  The Campsite was at least 2 miles from the car park and it was over the work terrain.  It began with concrete and then gravel and then long stem grass patches which was just as hard as concrete.  We finally got to the halfway point and decided that this was too much.  I took the executive decision to send half our party to take the tents and all the lighter things and just go and set up camp.  I sent my friend to go and get a wheelbarrow to help us push all of our things along.  I waited with the remaining luggage.  After what seemed like hours we eventually got all our stuff to our campsite and had to make a second journey with the remaining things.  It got to the early hours of the next day and we were all physically exhausted.  We crashed out. 

The next day was a lot of nothingness really.  I kept cursing the person who had made the layout for the Download festival.  Whoever did make the lay out: CAMPSITE – VILLAGE – ARENA – CAR PARK instead of ARENA – VILLAGE – CAMPSITE – CAR PARK is the most vile, hideous, cuntish prick I can think of.  Worse than Hitler, if you ask me.  We scoped the place out and I was really impressed by the ‘Village’.  There were many food outlets – ones which catered to every whim I can think of including; vegans, meat lovers, Chinese, pizza and many more.  It had a pharmacy, a 24 hour super market and it even had a shisha tent and a cinema!  Not to mention showers, a comedy tent and all the rides.  

That evening I went to see some of the acts in the comedy tent.  I caught a former circus showman who was from Ireland and he did many killer tricks including firing a gun with his nipple and spinning a ball on a dildo.  He had great interaction with the crowd and it was a banterful exchange.  After him we saw another comedian called Andrew O’Neil who was rather Satanic for my liking but he had his moments.  To my great amusement he berated ‘Rude Boys’ who are known as the Urban populous of London.  I really can’t stand their colloquialisms and this was the angle in which he decided to ridicule.  It was appreciated. 

The first day of events came along and this was heavily anticipated!  It was a good first day to get the ball rolling as well as I was very much looking forward to seeing some of the bands.  We began with Puddle of Mud which were so bad they were good!  Unfortunately they did not sing ‘Blurry’ which is one of the most hysterically shittiest songs I have ever heard.  Following that band, Duff McKagen of Guns ‘n’ Roses came on with his band and they were ok.  It was good to see another rock god on stage doing his thing and rocking it.  The crowd got into it and this was good for the atmosphere.  After these guys, a band I had never heard of called ‘Black Stone cherry’ came on and I really enjoyed their set.  A band from Louisiana and have been around for a little while, they gave a great set and even did a cover of Adele’s Rolling in the Deep which was FAR superior to the original.  I enjoyed watching these guys and I really want to get more of their stuff.  One of the more outstanding songs from their set, for me, was ‘White Trash Millionaire’.  Tune!  Thin Lizzy were on next and it was great seeing them live.  Although it was not the original line up as their original front man – Phil Lynott who was the iconic bassist/lead vocalist had passed on.  They played a phenomenally genius set!  It included Jailbreak, Whiskey in the Jar, Rosalie and of course The Boys Are Back In Town. 

There was a brief spell of bands that I was not really interested in seeing such as Bring me the Horizon.  I saw them last year at Sonisphere and I just laughed at them.  Their fans were all these douchey scene kids  and I remember thinking their lyrics were just the most inane load of shit I have ever heard.  They just screamed down a mic and that was it.  So I made up my own lyrics like “I WATER MY PLNTS EVERYDAY!!!”  because that is the kind of shit they would say….anyway, Korn eventually took the the stage and we only managed to catch the last few songs which was unfortunate.  I would have really liked to have seen them.  There were so many people there to see them and they weren’t even headlining the second stage!  It was a total farce!  Even Jonathon Davis, sporting his famous kilt and body of a female microphone stand, mentioned that he could not believe how many people were there to see them on the second stage.  They then did their own rendition of ‘We will rock you” by Queen.  Meanwhile on the main stage no one was going to see the Darkness which was a wonderful ‘Fuck you’ to those dicks in leotards and tight 80s apparel.  I never did like the Darkness.  I found it nonsensical for them to be on the main stage as the penultimate act for the day.  On the second stage, Pendulum were closing the night and Def Leppard were closing the main stage and it really should have been the other way around.  There were thousands more people who went to go and see Pendulum than Def Leppard.  After about 15 minutes of watching the so-called ‘legendary’ Def Leppard, I got tremendously bored.  I left.  I had seen Pendulum before and I wasn’t that impressed. 

That night we went back to the comedy tent and we saw Madam Pain’s Boudoir Circus.  I was completely blown away by this act.  It was just so immense.  So many flexible, beautiful women performing amazing tricks and acts, my jaw had never made a greater acquaintance with the floor, ever!  It was an immense 2 hours!  It even had pole dancing! 

The following day, I was so psyched for the rest of the acts.  We went to see Skindred – a Jamaican metal band.  I have never been in a crowd that have all taken off a garment of theirs and done the helicopter.  It was different.  It was amazing to see.  After Skindred we went to see an Iron Maiden tribute act called Maiden United.  They were a good band – they played an acoustic set and they attracted many, many Maiden fans such as me but, their vocalist was terrible.    I developed a deep, intense hatred for him.  I found him extremely infuriating.  Finishing this we went shopping for T-Shirts and had a quick smoke of some shisha.  We missed a few bands that we would have liked to see like Skunk Anansie and Twisted Sister but, we saw Avenged Sevenfold.  I know many people that like them but, I never really got into them.  They put on a great show.  I enjoyed watching them.  Following A7X was the band I was looking forward to the most.  System of a Down – for a long time my most favourite band!  They had taken an indefinite hiatus for 5 years and I was devastated!  I was ready for their heavily anticipated come back!  It went wild when they came on.  They were on for nearly two hours giving us a 26 song set-list.  It was awesome!!!

My last day was ruined by the rain.  I was awoken by the noise of the rain and I thought it would be a good idea to stay in the tent until the rain died down.  It did not.  I could not be fagged facing up to a whole day of bullshit rain when all the other days had been good.  We decided to leave.  It was depressing as I was looking forward to seeing Bowling for Soup, Disturbed (who I have already seen twice before), and Bullet for my Valentine and Linkin Park.  I had to lug all my shit back up to the car in the cold, wet, muddy conditions and I was hating everything.  After hours of making my way back and fourth to make sure I had not left anything behind, we left to return home.  During when I was carrying all my shit I heard all of Disturbed’s set so not all was lost – it was not ideal but….silver lining and all that. 

It may have been one of the best decisions I had ever made to leave early.  It felt good to get back home. 

I loved Download.  I wish I had got to see all the bands I wanted to on the Sunday as it would have taken me back to the pinnacle of my teenage angst.  Shit happens I guess.  I thoroughly enjoyed that weekend regardless. 

Much love,

Jackson L.  

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Some feel-good videos
I am searching for inspiration for a new update on this blog.  Whenever I do feel the need to be inspired I usually go onto youtube and watch a few videos.  Some give feelings of hope, others are funny, sad and all are memorable. 


I love this video.  Everything about it give me hope in humanity.  It is a wonderful way to bring so many differnt cultures together.  The scenery, the music, the silly dancing - everything about this video is just so well done.  It is worth checking out the rest of Matt Harding's videos if you get the chance.  It is all really good stuff. 

This video from a fucking weird cunt with anger management issues has been the centre of much ridicule since this video came out on the 14th of Jan 2010.  Within six months he had over 10 million hits and a PLETHORA of spoof videos were made.  I always think to myself - "No matter how bad it gets, at least I have not made a retard of myself on the internet like this guy has" and then I giggle my ass off watching this video.  All of his videos are filled with the same, needless, rage which you just can't help but laugh at.  You can see his blood pressure boiling to the point of heart attack which can be worrying. 

BURN!!! This is around the time CopperCab got 'South Parked'.  I remember watching this video in a lecture with a friend and we were trying so hard not to cry with laughter.  My favourite bit - which gets me everytime - is @22 seconds.  Too funny. 

Here is one for the underdog.  Nature has always been incredible to watch. 

You may be saying to yourself "Why am I watching a blue whale?!" and  I will most definitely respond with "Becase shut up!"  The Blue Whale....there is something incredibly majestic about it.  Everything we learn about the blue whale in this short video, narrated by the one and only Sir David Attenborough, is just spectacular.  I love the way other creatures in the ocean are intelligent enough to think "Hey, fuck fucking with that thing! It's fucking HUGE!"

I love watching the Haka and I think it is safe to say that we will see it many times this coming World Cup in New Zealand in September. 

There are many more videos that I watch but these are my select few.

Hope you enjoy these as much as I do. 

I leave you with a poem that gave the great Nelson Madela strength in during his hardships.  I think we can all take something from it.  It is read by Morgan Freeman which only adds to the epicness of the poem.  However, Morgan Freeman can read Twilight and it even that would be sheer brilliance!

Much love,

Jackson L.