I am not a monarchist. I do not believe in kings and queens etc, especially in this day and age. The monarchy has too much undeserved control over everything. It is completely unnecessary. The really fucked up thing is that they think it is their right to have it all due to their 'glittering', royally fucked up, (literally) in my opinion anyway, history. The
Can I also, just highlight and emphasise how fucking shit it is of the royals to give the UK a holiday for the wedding which is set to be on 29-04-2011 so that all can share in the joy of their wedding. That, to me is the height of dicketry. Don't get me wrong, I love having the day off, but if they think I am going to spend it watching some total dick who was born with a platinum spoon shoved so far up his ass he makes Goldie's teeth look like a welfare job, they have got it all wrong. I don't think most of
'It is great we have the day off. It is wonderful news to balance all the bad news we have had recently.'
I'm sorry - WHAT?!? Yes, our country is in the shits thanks to some dumbass bankers, Korea looks like it may very well be war torn once again - which only means that USA and the UK along with EVERYONE else will get involved (World War 3 much?), people constantly being stabbed, raped and murdered, gun crime is on the rise, student strikes, tube strikes, Ireland's bail out and you think a shitty wedding of the marriage of two people you have never met and will never meet, have no affiliation with whatsoever balances all that?! What in the actual blue fuck is wrong with you, you tremendous cunt?
Well, with everything, I do try to look on the brightside of things. I will credit little Willy with not marrying his cousin, because for a long time that is where it was going. All royal bloods had to marry royal bloods and due to ALL monarch's history they all eventually became one distant relative after another and therefore they all look strange and have an IQ measured in decimal places, like 8.4 and have no idea what the internet is.
I will be happy to take the day off on the 29/4/11 but I will most definitely not be watching this public spectacle. It is a total farce and I do not give a shit about it. There is not need at all to make it public. I would rather be raped by a rhinoceros' horn, without lube while sucking the udders of a disabled cow while Justin Beiber (FAG) sings to me and having my testicles put in a blender and an AIDS victim ejaculates into my eyes. But thanks for the offer!